chapter : 3

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Athena woke up at last at night in a couch. Her head is so heavy and her eyes also. It was a old house, judging by the dust over everything it haven't been clean for years.

Athena sit up straight on the couch and the dust on it made her cough. She stand up and look for her phone. It was in the table beside the couch. She look at today's date.

*November 02, 2018*

The date on her phone screen made her shocked. She remember when the incident happened with Tiffany that day was 25th September. How did this many days passed??. Thinking he picked up her phone and call police.

But her phone turned off, probably because of dead battery or who knows.

"Does it have to happen now??" She sigh and stand up to look for a switch to turn on the light. She found one and trun it on. It takes some times to adjust to the light but when she did her eyes left wide open.

It's not any other house, it was her own house where she grew up with her parents and sister. Athena couldn't control herself from falling. She sits to the ground thinking what is really happening.

"I'm dreaming- No I must dream it can't be true" she encourage herself to stand up and run for the door. She open the door and start running not knowing where to go, she run endlessly.

Tears running down her cheeks. Some memory came through her mind. She remember that night like a clear picture now. Her mother in her violate dress closing the windows and doors, and her father taping down everything.

Athena in her sister lap playing with a doll. When they ask their parents what they're doing they said nothing. Her mother look at her with cold eyes and smiled.

Suddenly Athena stopped grasping for air. She still could see her mother unreal black cold eyes and the way she smiled at her. She's feeling like she won't be able to breathe again. She's continuously hitting her chest for air and suddenly dropped on her knees.

"You okay?? You need help??" A gentle voice came running towards her. It's a young girl she helped Athena into her shoulder and sit her down on a brick.

Athena finally could breath now, slowly and deeply.
The girl offered her water but she refused to drink thinking it can be another sleeping medicine.

"Drink it. I won't hurt you or something" the girl offer her again and this time Athena took the bottle and drink it all in one sip. The girl smiled at her behavior. She got a sweet smile. She had red brown hair with a little tanned skin unlike Athena and big brown eyes.

"Th-ank you" said Athena still catching breathes. She look for her phone and realized she left it at home. Home the thought gives her goosebumps.

"No need. Btw are you new here?? I've never seen you here" she said while looking at the sky phone in her hand taking pictures. Her red brown hair falling down her shoulder in perfect peace.

"I'm not from here, actually-" before she could finish the girl stop her saying- "I think you're the owner of that ghost house. I saw you coming out of it some times this days. Once I tried calling you but you never answered" she said nicely.

" I came out of it?? But I just woke up today" Athena said unsure what that girl is trying to say. Just then a call come from that girl phone, she answer it and start talking.

And after she hang up and stand up. "Anyway I have to go. Here is my phone number" she writes down her number in a paper give it to Athena " call me if you need anything, I'm Bella. And I hope you won't ignore me again" she winked at Athena.

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