chapter : 11

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Bella woke up by the force of pain. That monster give her some injection that she fell asleep immediately. But now that she woke up she realized she was dragged by her hair.

That man grab her hair and drag her along the stairs to the basement. He throw her there and lock the door. She stare at him in horror, her mouth was tapped and she continuous shake her head as to say please no.

He take off his belt and start beating her with that. She cries but wasn't able to make any sound. Her body start to bleed but he didn't stop. He beat her with all the strength he had not showing any sympathy.

And Bella fainted again. She looses all the hope she had by now and her breathing got slower.


Vincent carrying Athena in a bride style and Oliver next to him. Both of them walking towards the cottage they have stayed before. Non of them know how they came out of that world, it happened in a blink of eye.

Vincent put Athena down in the floor and sit next to her. Athena got so pale as if all of her blood drained out of her body. Her lips are white and face so pale. It's easy to see her vain's now.

"Why didn't you tell us that you could see??" Vincent asked with his cold tone without looking at Oliver. He don't know how he is feeling right now. Angry because Oliver had lied to them or happy that their out of that creepy world?? He just don't know.

"I don't know why" Oliver spoke for the first time after that incident. "And I don't even know why can I see now" Oliver added.

Vincent sigh and put his head on his hand. He look over Athena and become sad for some reason. "Who was that old lady??" Vincent asked still staring at Athena with sad eyes.

"She is a deity you could say" Oliver answer make Vincent surprised. He's not expecting it "she raised me when I was 7, she was my only guardian" Oliver eyes became teary but he hold back the tears.

"Then how did Carson was able to kill her?? Isn't she is a deity??" Vincent was annoyed for some reason all this mess are taking them to the critical situation.

"She don't have any ability left only immortality and the hope of die" Oliver look outside. It feels like months since he had seen daylight. "Now she is dead for real, but she will be reborn because deity's never die" Oliver let out a sigh.

"What you know about immortality??" Vincent said with a curious face "what you think it is??"

"Immortality is what gives you pain every single day. It's like a curse to you. Death never come and you never aged, you don't grow older and become like a bird in a cage" Oliver look at his hands then rubbed them together.

"You don't have any idea about immortality at all" Vincent stand up "it's a gift to you, so enjoy if you have this" he left the room silently.

He happily smiled when he saw his bike was parked at the same place he left it. Vincent remember taking Athena in his bike to this cottage when she first fainted in front of the temple. He didn't rode this since then.

He start the bike and ride away from there to his next destination. He can't stand someone hurt his friend like this. Or at least he saw her as a friend now. And he knows where she is and needed his help.


Oliver watch as Athena sleep peacefully. Her chest going up and down as she's breathing. Her pale face shining differently and she's looking sick.

All the memories from childhood runs through Oliver's mind and he sobbed a little. Not making any sound only few drops of tears runs down his cheeks.

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