Advance story

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5 years old Oliver playing with his parents in his house playground. He would run to his mom and dad over and over again, who are talking with a couple.
Suddenly his mom shout at him "why don't you go play somewhere else??" She push him away.

He pick up his football and start running. He's crying and running, Oliver suddenly fell on his knees. He was shaking off the dirt from his clothes just then a hand appear in front of him.

He look at the person and find a little blond hair girl standing in front of him. He took her hand and stand up. But without saying anything she left. Forgetting about the ball he run after that girl and start following her.

"Don't follow me" the girl stopped and glare at him but he didn't listen to her and keep on following her. The girl would stop and tell him not to do that but he won't listen. He's so stubborn.

He followed the girl to her house and when she went inside he wait for her there. The sky become darker but he still waited for her. And his parents came looking for him. They're worried for him.

They beat him and took him from there but he saw that girl watch all this from her room window but didn't come to save him. He got angry and sad.

The other day when he was sitting alone near a lake someone offer him a chocolate, he was about to take it happily but when he saw the girl from before he didn't take it and instead he throw it in the lake.

He stand up and walked from there. The girl followed him this time. But Oliver didn't stop, she followed him in his house and wait outside. Oliver thought the same would happen to her, that she would get beaten and her parents will take her home.

But instead the girl wait there and no one came. The night cover the village but she stayed there. Soon it started to rain. And Oliver run with a umbrella to that girl. "Let's go inside you'll catch cold" he offers her

But she stayed in her place. "I want my chocolate back" She demand making Oliver confused and it's also raining heavily so there no way to go to a store to buy a chocolate.

"I'll buy you one later" he said to the girl but she shake her head as no. She look at him with her black eyes. She is a little taller than him so he feels awkward.

"I want that chocolate" she said and start walking back the way she had came from. Not knowing what to do Oliver follow her

"There's no way you could pull that chocolate out of that lake in this heavy rain." Oliver said to her but she keep on walking, socked in rain.

They both reach that lake and the girl turn to Oliver "you should've tell me you don't want that" she pushed him into the lake. When he tried to swim back she would throw rocks on him. "Don't come back until you find it" she sit at the edge of the lake watching Oliver swim and dive to find the chocolate.

He finally find it and came back with it but he lost one of his shoes. Oliver giver her the chocolate "I never saw a person like you" she snapped the chocolate from him and turn back.

"I'm Athena...hope not to meet you again" even though she said that but from that day they become friends. Oliver would go where Athena will be no matter if it's under the water or higher in the sky.

They went to same school. Oliver remember the day when he saw Athena crying in front of her house as her parents kick her out of it. Saying she is a monster. Oliver took her to their secret place and she start living there.

He would steal food from home and give her. Oliver give his clothes to Athena to wear but soon his parents find out about her. They decided to send her to an orphanage and when they did the two of them become alone.

Age 7 Athena live two of her years in orphanage but the children from there bully her and called her monster. So she decided to run away and Oliver plan to help her.

One day at night Oliver seek out of his house and went to the orphanage to Athena. She jump off the boundaries with her clothes. They run through the dark of the night holding hands not know where to go.

But a miracle happens...

Athena stopped running suddenly she's breathing heavily Oliver stop as well. Worriedly looking at Athena but she's looking down to the ground. He shake her arms and asked her what happened, if she's not feeling well. But she didn't reply.

And slowly Athena look at Oliver with full black eyes of hers. He got startle, he moved away from her but she come close to him. She pull off her hair pin and out of sudden before Oliver could do something to protect himself Athena stab him in the eyes.

He fell to the ground with bloody eyes. But Athena left him there and walked away.
Later that incident Oliver found himself at grannies. And from then he lost his sight. And the memory haunt him non stop and the question

why she do that to me??

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