15. Moods Of The Omega

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The trip that Harry and Draco had been on had come to an end, and they were on their way back home.  Harry had spoilt Draco to the brink of insanity, and he laughed whenever his Omega was feeling shy and bashful about it.  But the both reveled in the love that was emanating from each other, and for that they were glowing.  They had been missed at the Manor, and Harry had warned Draco that even though he would love to fuck him in the lounge in front of everyone, just to make sure that everyone knew what they were about, perhaps it would be best if they left their antics for the bedroom.

Lucius was of course happy that they had gone on a 'release' weekend, and hoped that their affections for each other would never be found anywhere else but their bedroom.  He understood at times that they felt the need to touch each other, and he accepted it, but please no more groans thank you.  Draco said that he wasn't making any promises, and to please not hold him to it.  Harry was a beautiful man, and he had the right to know it at all times.

But all in all, they were happy.  Happy for the safe return of the men, happy that there had been no new danger for anyone in their new world.  And of course happy that they had both agreed to stay on at the Manor for the time being.  Narcissa knew that they would have to address it again soon, but for the moment chose to ignore it.  She had her family back, and it was growing, and that was just profound for her.  She never wanted to lose anyone ever again.

Which had her thinking about a nursery for the twins.  She wanted it to be a surprise, but if she knew her son, then he would want to be involved in the decorating of the room.  She would of course have to speak to Pansy about it, and invited her and Hermoine to lunch the one day.  Lucius had taken the two men out for the day, after she had insisted that she needed the house to the women, because of her devious plan, and he had relented, as she had known he would.

Both young ladies had arrived promptly and the discussion of the nursery had been the main topic over their steamed fish and light salads.  Pansy said that Draco was extremely spoilt, and would want the best for his babies, and while Hermoine agreed with her, said that perhaps they should do some 'fishing' as to what they wanted and then present it as a surprise gift.  That way he wouldn't be directly involved, but would have exactly what he wanted.

Narcissa and Pansy smiled at her ingenuity, and they started on their plans.  The trick was to not let Draco know what they were doing, but also to try and get away with exactly what they wanted to.  They would have to approach Harry first and ask his opinion, because he would be able to tell if Draco would be accommodating in this or not.  But this was easier said than done.

Gloria was still making weekly visits to Draco, and had him drinking potions that would replenish his strength when he was feeling tired, and when Harry asked if everything was still all right, she would smile at him and say everything was perfect.  You are taking great care of your husband Harry, thank you.  And Harry would love the praise from her, and when she left, he would love the praise from his husband even more.

The weeks rolled into months, and before too long, it was the middle of May.  Draco was two months pregnant, and with still no stomach showing, he was glowing anyway.  And Harry loved looking at him.  Whether he was in the garden, or eating lunch, or just sitting and reading a book, he stared and still wondered how in the world did he get so lucky.  The gods were definitely smiling down on them, and he was in heaven.

Keeping up with tradition that Pansy had been the one to ask if they could take Draco away on the day before their wedding, she offered to speak to Harry about the nursery.  When she had eventually got him alone, because taking him away from Draco was a feat in and of itself, she gave herself a pat on the back and started telling him what they were planning.  And what exactly did he think of the plans.

"You know that Draco would want to be involved in this Pans.  It is his first pregnancy, and I honestly don't think that this should be taken away from him.  But.  Let me talk to him, put my feelers out, and let you know", he said.  She smiled and said thank you, she would be waiting.  But with pregnancy comes other things.  Things that nobody else knew about, well except Narcissa.

Cravings.  Draco was craving the weirdest foods, like strawberries covered in mayonnaise.  Then at ungodly hours of the morning he would wake his husband up and demand that he needed to have chocolate.  Not just any chocolate, but the expensive 'La Maison du Chocolat' from France, and he refused to accept any imitation.  So Harry would dress and apparate to France, wait until the shop opened, and buy the famous sweets for his love.  Then there were the cravings of a muggle soda, called Fanta Grape, that absolutely had to be paired with pork rinds that were covered in salt and tomato jam.

The mood swings.  When Draco didn't get his way, he was moody.  He would become snippy with everyone, even with Harry.  The house elves didn't stand a chance against his snappy words, so much so that Harry had to apologize to them on a daily basis, and tell Draco that if he kept this attitude up, they wouldn't be allowed to help him anymore.  Draco would relent, but only for a while, and he would be back to his snarky behavior in no time.

Harry wanted to pull his hair out.  He wanted to kiss his husband into submission, he wanted to fuck his brains out over and over again, and he did in fact.  Every night.  And Draco would submit, and apologize for his terrible behaviour towards everyone, telling Harry that he would try and be civil the next day.  And the next day would just be the same, and when it was time to go to bed, he would ravish Harry completely, making the man squirm.  Again apologizing for his terrible snotty ways, and Harry would believe everything that came out of that sinful mouth.

The end of May was approaching which meant one thing.  Draco's birthday was coming up, and Harry thought that now was the right time to talk to him about the nursery.  They had just had a thunderous lovemaking session, so perhaps now was the right time.  

And so on very tender hooks, hoping that there would be no outburst, he asked him in the most polite way he knew how.  "Draco, we need to discuss the nursery", he said looking at his husband.  Draco sat up suddenly and claimed, "Oh angel, I've been a complete and utter prat, haven't I?"

"Throwing silly hissy fits, and I could have been focusing my attention on the nursery.  Can you forgive me?", he asked with doe looking eyes at Harry.  And Harry smiled at him and said, "Yes love, of course.  Now shut up and kiss me", and Draco did as he was told.

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