Chapter XXXV: Issabella, The Rebirth!

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Chapter XXXV: Issabella, The Rebirth!

Same hair. Same eyes. Same voice. Same Edheros. It's her alright, but something's not right.

"Yes, everything is fine, Issabelle."

Her name's not Issabelle. It's Issabella, or Issa.

"Are you sure, Miss Haylee?"

"I'm sure."

I stared at her. Absorbing every identical feature. She looked exactly like Issabella. But the Issabella I knew was me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I found her frowning at me. I must've stared too much.

All I could do is think, "This is not her, but she is her."

"Whoa, is that Issa?" a voice suddenly broke the momentary silence.

Felix stood beside me, wagging his tail against my leg with great force that it started to hurt.

"Forgive my manners," Haylee interupted. "This is Issabelle Craye, a new student. A Weilder of Terra."

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"Sorry, have we met before?" Issabelle arched her eyebrows. "My nickname is 'Issa' but no one in this academy knows about it."

This is Issabella, though, with an "E" instead of an "A" and she doesn't know a thing about me. Especially, Felix; no one can forget about my wolf. Heck, I don't think even the oldest person in the world would live without remembering Felix.

"Before we could get into a comfortable mood, may I remind you that your friends - Skye and Keith - had been kidnapped," Haylee said.

For a minute there, all my senses concentrated on the girl infront of me that I forgot about my other dilemma. I have 12 Hours to go to this gym called Ichinose (It made my nose feel itchy) and save my friends, or else they'll be a carnivorus goat's dinner.

"Uh...right," I found myself agreeing.

Issabelle was still staring at me hard. So hard it made me feel very uncomfortable. There must be an explanation why I'm seeing Issa - or at least a girl that looks exactly like her - infront of me. I wasn't dreaming.

Three sides of my brain concluded three ridiculous conclusions.

The first one-third of my brain concluded that this is just a random girl that looks exactly like Issabella, with the same name (sort of), and same Edheros. The second one-third of my brain concluded that Issa somehow escaped the clutches of death and came back to live life once again to fulfill some stuff. The last one-third of my brain concluded that Issa somehow revived herself from death and now back with her memory wiped to live a new life.

I believed none of them.

"Ichinose Gym is three blocks away from this Altheanian Academy. But, before you can go, the keepers of this Academy wants to speak with you." Haylee started walking towards some elevators and Issabelle stumbled behind her.

I instictively followed them. Felix - whom I don't know where he came from - tailed behind me with his tail wagging.

"The keepers?" I asked as Haylee pressed the down button on the elevator.

"Yes, the Pri-Guardians in-charge of this academy," Haylee answered.

"Um...I thought there are only seven Pri-Guardians and they only reside in Althea."

"Correct," Haylee said. "There are only seven, but there are also Min-Guardians - Minor Pri-Guardians. Though, they like to be adressed as Pri-Guardians when they're not in Althea."

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