Chapter XIV: A Mistake

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Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to GarathLewis, since he became an active reader and votes and comments (: Thanks, man!

Chapter XIV: A Mistake

"So what are we going to do?" I said, sipping my iced tea and resisting the urge to gulp it down. 

Before our next match, we were given a thirty minute break to do whatever we needed to while the Arena Crew fixed the trees that were "burnt to ashes" or "chopped to pieces". 

"Just enjoy yourself," Skye smirked. We got free drinks from Bernard for our successful first win, and we were sitting at the cafeteria just outside of the Arena. 

Other people were eating or drinking here, too - some were Guardians (Bernard showed me that Guardians have larger timepieces than normal wielders), some were warriors (the wielders that have mastered a certain weapon completely), and some were just wielders; most were some odd-looking, timid guys wearing large hats and knives on their hips, with a sword strapped to each of their backs. 

They didn't appear to be very friendly since they did not socialize; when one of them saw me staring at him, he just gave me a . . . look. 

"Who are they?" I asked Bernard. 

Bernard gulped down his shake before answering. Glancing up, he explained, "Oh, they're called Light Hunters. They're a group that explores regions of Althea or other places here on Earth that haven't been touched by human hands. Theyvre also good with weapons back in Althenian Times, they were often hired as assassins; now they just adventure alone." 

Skye waited for Bernard to finish before voicing her thoughts. "I wonder where Issa is," she said. 

"Oh, she went to the Armory to get some stuff," Herald told her. 

Without any warning, a coldness touched my leg; I yelped and proceeded to spill my juice. 

"Are you okay?" Skye handed me some Kleenex from the bag slung on her wheelchair. 

"Yeah, its just-"  

This time, something pinched my arm - I flinched and fell to the floor. 

"What's happening?" Keith looked as a bunch of Terranian waiters helped me up. 

"I felt someone touch and then pinch me." I got up, sitting down on my stool again. 

"The bow," Herald murmured. 

Bernard's eyes widened as soon as Herald's words left his mouth. 

Bernard quickly took out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it. 

"S-sir! The bow is in trouble!" he yelled. 

For a little bit, nothing interrupted the static; then there was a crash of glass, some grunting, and a warning from Nicholas. "You . . . I should've known," I barely heard his whisper through the walkie-talkie. 

"You...I should've known." Nicholas whispered from walkie-talkie; Bernard and Herald tensed at his words. 

A group of guards happened to be in the cafeteria; they quickly dashed in the direction of Nicholas's office. 

"Please . . . don't do this . . ." his voice was barely a croak, so I guessed that he was injured. 

I looked towards the office, just as a loud chime started up from that direction. 

It was signaled by eight notes. There was a pause, and then it repeated. 

"A Heka Cast!" Bernard yelled. 

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