Chapter XXVII: Abandoned Aquaducts

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Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry for the very long wait. The whole reason why my updates are delayed and stuff is because I've been in vacation with my parents for 3 weeks now.

Well, I'll see you guys in the end of the chapter.


By the way, I'd like to thank AtCloud_Nine for making me this cool new cover (she made two covers and the other one is on the picture underneath the info box over there>>>)

Chapter XXVII: Abandoned Aquaducts

"The Prophecy of Sora," Cynthia mumbled.

"Hey, guys! Help me up here! And what's that light?" Keith yelled.

"I want to eat it," Felix commented.

"Eat what?" I asked.

"The glowing thingy."

"You're a weird wolf," I said.

The glow fainted from Skye's ring as she slowly awakened.

First, she kind of blinked and stared at me since I'm the one carrying her. Then she screamed and pushed me, thus sending her to the moist rocky floor, resulting into a major crash down.

"Hey, calm down. Jeez," I regained my composure then helped her up.

"Where are we?" she asked, "We were flying then light exploded and now we're in a dark wet cave?"

I updated her on the recent happenings. The sudden attack, the chicken lizard, Nicholas' great escape, and this cave. I didn't tell her about the prophecy on her ring though.

"The Tempre- thingy worked?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"This must be the Aquaducts," Skye told me after she digested that fact. She seemed to take that thing like it was nothing.

"Aquaducts?" I repeated.

"Yeah, this place we're in right now is the entrance of it. There's supposed to be a hole somewhere that would lead us in the Aquaducts," she said.

"I think that hole is where Keith is," I concluded.

Right on cue, Keith screamed again, "I'm still down here!"

"Let me guess, there's supposed to be monsters down there?" Felix asked, "And where's Sophia?"

"Yes, there will be monsters down there, and I have no idea where my Edheros flew off to," Skye answered, "I'll go and fetch Keith, though, I doubt I can carry a big man-eating cheetah."

I think she meant by that is she can't carry Elle up, but I can hardly believe she even thinks she can carry Keith up. Or maybe she's gonna shoot him up the hole?

Skye told Cynthia and I to stay put as she jumped to the hole like it was easy as eating pie, but then I remembered Soranians never get fall damage.

I can hardly see the hole, but I knew it was there. I can hear water echoing from it, and other grumbling sounds that I don't wanna know what made them.

"I hate water!" I suddenly heard Keith's voice echo from the hole.

"Relax, it's just a bit of water," Skye's voice responded.

"I rather look like Bigfoot."

"Suit yourself."

In a matter of seconds, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew then I was looking at a somewhat dark grimy creature infront of me.

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