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"Alice, can I look now?" I asked, as Alice led me down the stairs. She laughed. "Not yet." She said. I stepped down the stairs and I knew we reached the bottom. I smelled blood. Human blood. I've been a newborn for two months, so I didn't lunge for the blood. In fact, I was quite calm.

Besides the blood didn't smell too good to me anyways. It smelt like rust, which was strange considering how appetizing human blood was supposed to smell to me. "Okay, now open your eyes." Alice told me, and I opened my eyes to see Bella. My beautiful sister.

I squealed and tried to stop myself from rushing over to hug her. I could probably kill her with one squeeze if I wasn't super gentle. "Bella!" I said, walking over to her slowly and carefully. I hugged her very gently. She smiled at me. There were tears in her eyes.

I couldn't believe it had been two months since the incident in Phoenix.
It had been two months since I'd seen her. "I can't believe it's you. You look so beautiful." She said, and I smiled softly. "So do you." I said, noticing her attire. She was wearing a pretty blue dress with ruffles, and her hair was curled.

"What's the occasion?" I asked her. "Prom. Edward is forcing me." She said, her teeth clenched. I laughed. I noticed Edward now. He was standing in the corner. "Take care of my sister, Edward." I said, jokingly. He laughed. Edward and I had improved our relationship to the point where we were friends. I knew he wanted the best for Bella, and that was good enough for me.

"She's in good hands. Possibly the best hands." He replied and I giggled. Carlisle breezed into the room then, placing a hand on my waist. "Bella. You look very pretty." He said kindly. She blushed at the compliment. "Thank you." I grabbed Carlisle's hand. "So, Bella, um, how's dad doing?" I asked her, even though I already knew the answer.

She sighed. "He's pretty heartbroken. Mom is too."She said and I sighed. "I wish I could see them." She nodded, looking troubled at this. I felt bad for Bella having to keep this secret from our parents. "I'm just glad I can still see you." I said. She smiled at me. "I love you, Addy." She said, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and hugged her back. "I love you too. Now go and have fun at your prom." I told her, gently pushing her towards Edward. She smiled and grabbed Edwards hand. Alice sped out after them, looking stunning, in a red floor length dress.

As soon as they were out of the room, Carlisle turned to me. "You never cease to amaze me." He told me and I smiled at him. "The blood didn't even bother me. This sounds weird, but it didn't smell appetizing to me. At all." I said carefully and he looked puzzled.

"Perhaps it's because it's your twin." He suggested and I shrugged. "At least I don't want to kill my sister." I said simply. "Yes, that's a good thing." He murmured matter of factly and I laughed. I pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed me back softly. Then he stepped away and grinned. "Now, I believe tonight is your prom too." He said, twirling me. I laughed as I span back towards him.

He dipped me. "Wow, you never told me you were such a good dancer." I said, looking up into his golden eyes. He smirked. "Well I attended a few balls in the 1700s. I learned a thing or two." He replied. He let me up and we continued dancing. "Is your prom night how you always dreamed?" He asked me, twirling me yet again. "Better." I said, and pulled him in for a kiss.

My life was over, but I had a new one. A perfect place with the man I loved. I had my sister, and my new family. And more importantly, I had something even better.
I had forever.

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