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Three months sped by as each day was spent fully enjoying each day with my family. I was surprised by just how many people my family now included. There was Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rose, Bella, Edward and Alexia, of course. And who could forget my father and Alex? Then there were the wolves. Seth and Jake were always at the house, both getting along with everyone excellently now, which never failed to surprise me. Quil and Embry, who were my old friends, also joined Jake's pack and I was happy to see more of them. Sam and Emily were cordial, while Leah and Caleb made regular visits to the house. Caleb was heavily involved in making sure Rose's pregnancy came along well and she was said to be due by the first week of January. Leah proved to be a friend to myself and Rose as well. I found her and Rose were kindred spirits and made for an amazing friendship.

There were things to worry about however. The Volturi was always in the back of my mind, but I'd forgotten about them when I was worried about my sister's health. They made their presence known, however.

Aro had sent a present to Bella, a congratulatory note, which stated that he looked forward to meeting the new Mrs. Cullen in person. The gift she'd received was a huge white diamond necklace. No matter how extravagant the gift, the threat remained. If Bella didn't prove her immortality soon, the Volturi would be paying us a visit. And I wasn't exactly comfortable with that, considering what they would find. They would find Alexia and Alex, two people whose existence I was sure they would despise. And they'd find Rose, who was pregnant with a baby that shouldn't exist. So it was obvious why I didn't want the Volturi to come looking for us.

Bella knew this too, and wanting to be as selfless as usual, suggested that she go and visit the Volturi alone. Edward, of course, argued with her over it. I was torn. I knew Bella needed to satisfy the Volturi's curiosity, but I also knew it was dangerous. Aro had been very intrigued by Bella's immunity to him and his guards, and I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to keep her to himself. 

Bella eventually won the argument and the only thing was to decide when she would go to Italy. The day Alexia turned three months old, Bella bought the tickets to Italy. After much convincing, Edward had agreed to stay with Alexia. Carlisle, having a personal connection to the Volturi, agreed to go with Bella, both to sooth Edward's worries and my own.

 Alexia grew rapidly and now looked to be the size of a smaller two year old. She could also speak now; with flawless grammar, I might add, but she hardly bothered. She preferred to use her gift as way of speaking. I grew fonder of her each day as she reminded me so much of both Bella and Edward, two people I loved so much. She looked more like Bella each day, so much so that it alarmed me to see Bella's human eyes staring at me. Her bronze ringlets, though had Edward's coloring, but my father's texture. My father and Alex had been staying in their house a few miles away, although I knew he hated to stay away from Alexia. He didn't stay away though. He and Alex visited at least once daily and always stayed for hours. 

With all these friends and family visiting each day, and watching Alexia grow, my days were full. And I liked them that way. When I wasn't playing with my niece, I was talking with my sister or with Rose, Alice or Alex. If they weren't around, I'd play a game of chess with Jasper, which turned out to be very interested. We seemed to be well matched, for we could both sense each other's emotions and sort of gauge what moves the other would make. Emmett and I usually played video games, a far less intellectual activity, but one I enjoyed.

The time I didn't spend with any of them, I spent with Carlisle. My days were rich and happy and I never wanted that to change. When I was younger, I'd dreamed of a huge, busy house with kids running around and I'd gotten that, even if it was slightly different. My dream had come true, and I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately for me, all good things came to an end.

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