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The next two days passed in a blur. Carlisle, Rose and Emmett returned. Alexia grew so quickly she looked as if she was already two months old. And she had a gift. She could communicate by placing her palm against someone's cheek, could even show her memories.

I'd been so shocked when she'd showed her first memory of me that Carlisle had to hold onto my shoulders so I didn't fall over.

She was also very intelligent and mentally developed far beyond even a two month old.

Dad and Alex held her most of the time, and then Rose and I alternated. Jake even shocked me by holding her once. He was different now. Even if it hurt him to see Bella and Edward together, I knew he was happy she was alive.

I think losing Bella had changed him. Now he was a friend to us all, even occasionally joking around with each of us.

Leah, Seth and Caleb also came over sometimes. Leah and Seth were now both apart of Jacob's pack, but they'd gone back to living in La Push.

Seth was as comfortable as always, and Leah was getting there. She knew how much Caleb meant to us, and in turn, her.

The wolves hadn't been back since that night. Jacob said they were calming down. Billy came over and said the same, and he and Dad finally got to hang out again.

Alice was happy that she could now see Bella clearly and was giving us estimates onto when she'd wake up.

Edward still hadn't left Bella's side. I went upstairs with Carlisle to check on them.

Bella was still, very still, and she looked different. Alice and I had cleaned her up and Alice had placed a blue dress on her, but that wasn't the main difference.

I could see the venom doing it's work. Her face was filling back out, as was her body. Her hair was even coming back to life. I realized she looked more like us now, but I could still see the pieces of human Bella left.

"Any change?" Carlisle asked Edward, who was standing beside her.


He sounded worried, but he could hear her heart as clear as I could. The change was happening as we spoke. I wouldn't be surprised if she could hear us now. I was surprised that she was so silent.

Carlisle leaned over Bella and then stepped back.

"There's no scent of the morphine left."

"I know." Edward remarked.

"Bella? Can you hear me?" I asked her, looking at her frozen face. It looked like she simply sleeping. I knew better though, because I remembered my own transformation too clearly.

"Bella? Bella, love? Can you open your eyes? Can you squeeze my hand?" Edward asked her, squeezing her hand gently.

"Maybe... Carlisle, maybe I was too late."

"Listen to her heart, Edward. It's stronger than even Emmett's was. I've never heard anything so vital. She'll be perfect." Carlisle assured him.

"And her spine?" I asked him, because Edward's worry was getting to me. I could feel it radiating off of him and it was starting to make me feel the same.

"The venom will heal her. I've seen venom work miracles." Carlisle told me and I nodded.

"She's so still. I must have done something wrong." Edward said, looking down at Bella's form. She was very still, which made me wonder if it was an effort on her part.

Could she hear us and was forcing herself to not scream? Was she being like Carlisle when he'd had to force himself to be quiet as to not be discovered?

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