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They didn't. As the entire family stood in the living room and Bella on the sofa, I knew the news was bad.

"Sweetheart, how was it? What did you find out?" Dad asked Alex, who smiled only slightly at him, then her face fell again.

"It's bad. It wasn't what I hoped." Alex told us.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I mean that the family we come from, they're gone. I couldn't find one sign of them anywhere in Rome. I have no idea where they've gone and why."

"Are you saying that we have no answers? We're just as lost as before?" Dad asked her.

"Yes, Charlie, I'm sorry. I don't understand where they went. I fear that maybe the Volturi got to them. They've never liked the unknown. If they found out about the hybrid children-"

"What if they find out about my child?" Bella asked, looking nervous.

"Bells, they won't. I'll make sure of it." I told her, even though I had no idea how we'd evade the Volturi.

"They'll already be coming for us about Bella's mortality. What's to say they don't stop by and make a visit?" Alice asked, looking at each of us.

"And they'll find two pregnant women. One with what we think will be a very unique baby, the other with a hybrid child." Alex remarked, looking terrified.

Rose and Emmett held onto each other, looking alarmed for their baby. I held Bella's hand tightly.

"Look, we have to worry about the babies' health right now. We can't worry about the Volturi lurking around every corner. We already have the pack coming after us." I told everyone.

"Addy's right. We'll have to deal with the Volturi when the time comes. Keeping Bella and the fetus safe are all that matters right now." Carlisle said, addressing them.

"How can you keep Bella safe anymore? The thing is killing her!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Jake-" I started, seeing Bella's face at him calling the baby a thing again.

"Stop calling me that, Addy. We're not friends anymore. You forfeited that right when you became one of them! When you ran out on your family and became one of them!" Jacob told me and I stiffened

"Jacob, do not talk to my wife that way." Carlisle said and everyone looked to him in surprise, including me. He'd never used that tone of voice with Jacob before. Jacob smartly said nothing.

"Like I said, the most important thing is making sure the delivery goes as well as possible. That means we need to take our window now and go and hunt. Jacob, is it still safe?" Carlisle continued, looking to Jacob as if he hadn't just scolded him.

"Yes, we went halfway to Seattle. You're good to go." Jacob told him quietly.

"Thank you, Jacob. This is good timing. There's much that we need." Carlisle told him, and his voice was polite again.

"Honestly, I think you're safe to take more than three. I'm pretty positive Sam is focusing on La Push."

Carlisle nodded and glanced around the room.

"If you think so, Alice, Jasper, Addy and I will go. Then Alice can take Emmett and Rose and Alex and Charlie can go as well."

"I don't want to leave Bells. Emmett or Rose can go in my place or both." I said quickly, and Dad seemed to agree.

Carlisle looked over at me. "Addy, you haven't been in weeks. It's not good for you." He told me.

"I can handle it. You know I can." I told him.

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