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January 17th, 2005

I sighed as Bella pulled away from our mother's hug. Mom was teary eyed. "I don't think I can part with my girls!" Mom said, wiping her eyes. "Don't worry Mom, you have Phil!" I said, rubbing her arm. Bella sighed beside me. "Yes, and we can come visit in the summer. Besides it's only for a year until we go to college." Bella said, but she didn't sound too happy about the arrangement.

Mom believed her words, and for some reason was convinced by her multiple lies that she actually wanted to go to Forks. I, on the other hand, didn't mind Forks. It was perhaps the only major difference between Bella and I, which parent we preferred. I'd always gravitated towards Charlie-our father, while Bella bonded with our mother.

Mom sighed and pulled us both into one last hug. "I love you girls. Say hey to Charlie for me." Mom said. I smiled and gave Mom a kiss on the cheek. Turning away, I grabbed Bella's arm and we walked onto the plane.

I sat down in the seat beside Bella and sighed. "We're gonna be okay, Bells. It won't be hard in Forks." I said, trying to ease Bella's nervousness.

Of course, I could feel what Bella was feeling stronger than anyone else. I'd always had a sense of the emotions around me. At first, I had just thought it was a twin thing with Bella, but then I could feel everyone's emotions. That's how I knew Phil was good for our mom,

I could feel his intentions were only good. Of course, I would never tell anyone about this for fear of being locked up in the nut house. Everyone would think I was crazy.

Bella sighed then. "No. You'll have it easy. You've always made friends easy." Bella said, and I could feel a vague sense of jealously there.

"No, I won't make friends without you this time. We've got to stick together here." I said, grabbing Bella's hand. She squeezed it and smiled brightly at me. "Okay." I smiled and sat back. The rest of the plane ride went by and soon we were landing. I walked after Bella out of the airport.

Our dad would be waiting for us in the parking lot. I just hoped he didn't bring his cruiser. My dad is Chief Swan to the people of Forks. He had been for as long as I can remember. I followed Bella out into the parking lot. Sure enough, Dad was standing beside his cruiser. I was closer to Dad than Bella was.

She called him Charlie. I called him Dad. Maybe it was because I had visited him every summer, while Bella stayed with Mom. That's why I hadn't really minded coming to Forks.

I understood why Bella was worried. But Dad loved both of us, and Bella and him would bond soon enough. I hoped, at least.

"Dad!" I exclaimed happily, pulling him into a hug. "Addy! Bells! I've missed you two!" He said, pulling Bella into the hug with him. She awkwardly patted his back.

"Mom says hi." I said, hiding a smile. Dad smiled a little. "How is Renee?" He asked, making me smile. "How she always is. Living her best life." I said, laughing a little.

Dad made a face, as if remembering that about her. "Okay, you girls ready to go?" He said, snapping out of it.

Bella and I glanced at each other before both yelling, "Shotgun!"

Dad turned around and laughed at us, while Bella and I eyed each other. "Oldest sits in the front." Bella taunted, as she had when we were children. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah, by ten minutes, but you can have the front seat, Bells." I told her and she smirked at me. Dad just shook his head at us. We climbed into the cruiser then, me taking the back seat reluctantly.

Maybe something good would come out of this seating arrangement. Maybe Bella and Dad would strike up a conversation. I doubted it though. Bella inherited her quietness from Dad. I supposed I inherited my easy way of conversation from Mom.

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