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I knew it was time when Bella shifted and let go of my hand. I stood up, trying to quell the despair I felt. Alexia woke up, clutching the locket Bella had gifted her. Bella grabbed a backpack and put it on Alexia's back. The two of us shared a sad look as we both knew what the backpack contained.

Bella then reached into her pocket and pulled out the wedding gift Aro had sent her- the diamond necklace. She put it in and Alexia smiled at her. "Pretty."

Bella smiled at her once before letting her climb onto her back. I kissed Alexia on the cheek, then grasped Bella's hand a final time before leaving the tent.

I sped towards Carlisle, who made up part of the front line of witnesses. He didn't waste time pulling me into a quick kiss. I kissed him back fervently, concerned it might be our last.

Bella approached Edward then, and he hugged her and Alexia before stepping beside Carlisle and I. The front line was made up of Edward, Carlisle, myself, Emmett, Rosalie, Tanya, Kate and Eleazar. Emmett stood guarding Rose and her large stomach was not visible from where she stood behind him. I only hoped it remained that way.

Bella stood a few feet back, with Zafrina and Benjamin close behind her. It would be her job to shield them if a fight broke out, seeing as their abilities would be the most useful.

Alex was next to my dad, clutching his hand tightly. She'd decided not to cloak herself for this meeting. I'd tried to talk her out of it, but she stated it was time she faced the Volturi- her mother included.

The other witnesses flanked us from the left or right, the ones who had declared themselves stood closer. In the woods behind us, the wolves stood waiting. I heard the sound of paws on the snow and looked back to see Jacob had emerged from the woods and now at Katerina's side. I supposed it was too hard for him to stay away when she was in such danger.

I heard Edward growl lowly and looked forward towards the far end of the field.

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere woman." I heard Garrett tell Kate, who replied, "Now he tells me."

It was then I heard the first signs of their approach, mixed in with Garret's mutterings, "The Redcoats are coming, the Redcoats are coming."

I clutched Carlisle's hand and closed my eyes for a brief moment, relishing that last moment before opening them again. It was then I saw them.

They approached rigidly and in strong formation. It was not a march, yet they closed so smoothly towards us. Every face was shadowed beneath their hoods, most of the hoods gray except for the three leaders, which were red.

The Volturi and their guard showed no emotion at our gathering of witnesses- a gathering that looked brutally disorganized compared to their guard. They showed no surprise at the giant wolf in our midst.

I couldn't help counting their numbers- thirty two of them, not including the two wives who I could tell would not join the fight. We had just twenty one who would fight with us and seven who would stand by and watch as we were destroyed. Even with the ten wolves, they had us.

And then as if their numbers weren't enough, more vampires began entering the clearing behind them. The expressions on those faces was the antithesis to the Volturi's emotionless gazes. Their expressions betrayed shock and maybe even fear at the witnesses, we too, had gathered. After a moment, their faces returned to an expression of rage. This was an angry mob. I hadn't realized the immortal world had such an anger towards the immortal children. It was clear they came to destroy us. I noticed one familiar vampire among the crowd- Irina. Her eyes widened in shock and horror as she saw her coven among our witnesses. If she was terrified for her sisters, then we truly were lost.

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