
797 16 0

August 11th, 2006

I grinned as Carlisle and I climbed into the car at the airport. We were on the way back home from our honeymoon.

"Can you believe Bella and Edward are getting married in just 2 days?" I asked Carlisle, who smiled.

"I'm sure Alice will remind us when we get there." He said.

"Have you spoken to Rose yet? I wonder how far along she looks now." I said and he grinned.

"I'm sure we will see when we get there." He told me.

"If I'd known you were so excited to get home, we could've cut our honeymoon short." He said and I nudged him.

"Stop, you know I loved our honeymoon. Every second of it. Especially since I have a husband who literally bought me an island." I said and he laughed.

"I needed a gift to show you how much I love you." He told me.

"Well, it was an amazing gift." I told him, then I smiled as an idea came to my mind.

"We should let Bella and Edward use the island for their honeymoon!" I said and he grinned at me.

"You want to rent out your island?" He teased and I hit him on the shoulder.

"No, of course not, it'll be free." I joked and he grinned. "Yeah, of course."

I looked out of the car window then and saw we were pulling into our driveway. Finally. It felt so good to be home.

As soon as the car stopped, I forced the door open and saw everyone was waiting for us.

"Addy! I'm so glad you're back!" Bella said, walking towards me and pulling me into a hug.

"Of course, Bells, I have to be back in time to be your maid of honor." I told her, throwing a grin in Edward's direction.

Carlisle stepped from the car and went to hug everyone else.

Alex and Dad walked towards Bella and I and I smiled.

"We missed you, Addy." Dad said, hugging me.

"Missed you too, Dad." I told him.

I turned to Alex and pulled her into a hug as well.

"Hey, it's so good to see you." She said and I smiled.

"You too."

I turned back to the rest of my family. I saw Rose had one hand resting on her stomach, which she now appeared to be about five or six months pregnant.

"So, how was the honeymoon?" Emmett asked, wagging his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes and grinned at him.

"Same old Emmett. It was great." I told him, walking towards him and hugging him.

I hugged Rose next, careful not to press into her stomach.

"Wow, Rose, you are glowing." I told her and she beamed at me.

"I've missed you." She said and I smiled. "I've missed all of you so much." I told everyone, pulling Alice and Jasper into hugs as well.

"Yes, she nearly died without you all." Carlisle said, placing an arm around my shoulder.

"Very funny." I said, giving him a look.

We all walked into the house then and I was happy to see nothing had changed.

I could see Alice had been planning for Bella's wedding as there were sketchbooks and wedding magazines strewn on the table. I knew she must have gotten everything done since it was only two days away.

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