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"Are you sure you're ready for this, Dad?" I asked my father as I placed the brown contacts over his eyes.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Dad remarked, blinking uncomfortably at the contacts.

"I know they're not too comfortable, Charlie, but it's necessary." Alice told him. It was weird to see my father with his old eye color back. It reminded me of my childhood. It also made me realize how much I've missed my dad.

We were all standing around Dad trying to prepare him to go back to work. He was going to resign as Chief and announce that he was moving away.

Alex smiled at Dad and walked over to him. She'd stayed here last night after she told her story to us.

"I think you're going to do great. And if you want, I can come with you. No one here knows me." Alex told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you. I'd like you by my side." Dad said. Bella and I exchanged a look at this.

Alex and Dad were obviously very into each other and that had showed since she'd arrived.

"Any last tips?" Dad asked each of us.

"Try to make sure you walk at a human pace." Carlisle told him.

"And you should hold your breath. It will help with the thirst." Alice told him.

"But make sure to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Rosalie told Dad, who nodded.

"I got it." He told us, then stood up.

"You ready?" Alex asked him and he nodded.

"Dad, I know you can do this. Be careful." I told him, while Bella walked over.

"Yes, Dad please be careful." She told him. Dad sent both of us a small smile. "Always am."

I watched as Dad walked out with Alex in tow. As soon as they left, I turned to Bella nervously.

"He's going to be fine. Alex will make sure of that." Carlisle said, walking over to me and placing his arms around me.

"Yeah, what's up with them? They have definitely-" Emmett was cut off by me glaring at him.

"What? You thought your dad was too old to get some action?" Emmett asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No, of course I didn't. I just didn't expect it, that's all." I told him.

"And I sure as hell didn't expect his girlfriend to be related to us through some weird vampire bloodline." Bella piped up and I grinned.

"Yeah, I really did not see that coming." I told her.

"It explains a lot, though. It explains your abilities, Bella. How Aro can't touch you, how none of them can." Edward told her.

"I guess it makes sense why I've always felt like I belonged more around vampires, too." Bella said and I grinned.

"I hope it goes alright." I said once again and Carlisle grabbed my hand. "It will, Addy." He whispered and I nodded.

"Get a room!" Emmett said and I glared at him.

"Emmett, seriously, shut up." I told him, not in the mood for his innuendos.

I saw Emmett was about to open his mouth again so I turned to Bella and grabbed her hand. "Let's go for a walk." I told her and she nodded, sending Edward a curious look.

As we left the house I heard Carlisle. "Emmett, come on, stop teasing her." He said and I smiled.

Bella and I walked down a path in the woods and she glanced to me.

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