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May 14th, 2006

I smiled as I watched Alice scribble ideas down into a notebook.

She'd been so excited to plan my wedding that I was certain it was going to be absolutely wonderful.

I hadn't really minded how the wedding was, of course, I hadn't wanted to go to a wedding chapel in Vegas or anything, but as long as I had Carlisle, it would be perfect.

It had been just two short months since we'd returned to Forks, Washington. Two months since our visit with the Volturi. Two months since Carlisle asked me to be his wife.

Things have been going amazing since we came back. Carlisle accepted his job back at the hospital, which eagerly reoffered.

Alice, Jasper and Edward were attending school at Forks again, for the last few weeks anyways.

I was taking online classes to finish my schooling and retrieve my diploma. I had to go under the name Lillian Cullen, since Adelaide Swan was technically dead in the eyes of the world, but it was still something.

Any diploma, no matter what name was on it, would mean the world to me. I would be getting mine around the time Bella and the others graduated.

Graduation was a few short weeks away, and what followed after was Bella's change. She was going to become a vampire.

Carlisle was still set to change her, which surprised me considering that he was so sure Edward would want to be the one.

The Volturi hadn't sent us any messages, nor anyone to check Bella's status, but I was sure it would be soon. Another obstacle we were dreading was Victoria.

She had escaped during that wild Spring Break week and hadn't been seen. Alice was watching for her, of course, but there hadn't been any updates.

"This is going to be the most amazing wedding ever." Alice chimed happily. I grinned at her. I was excited for the wedding too, and it was soon as well.

We were getting married on July 10th. I figured we should have picked a date of significance to us but I didn't mind as long as we were married.

The only thing I was disappointed about was there would be no one to walk me down the aisle. My father Charlie wouldn't be able to come, seeing as he believed I was dead. It hurt me, seeing that I'd dreamed of having him walk me down the aisle since I was a child.

It also hurt me I couldn't invite my mother and Phil. I couldn't invite any of my old friends from school in Phoenix, or anyone from Forks.

I wanted to invite Jacob, but as he hated Bella at the moment and utterly despised me and the rest of the Cullen family, I didn't think he'd accept.

I was hurt at how quickly our friendship had seemed to end. Sure, we didn't spend much time together after I arrived in Forks, but we'd practically grown up together.

Every summer, I'd gone on fishing trips with him and Billy. We'd been inseparable as kids and now he hated me.

I supposed it was the price of gaining immortality.

"Addy?" Alice asked then, making me turn to her. "Sorry, I guess I was lost in my thoughts." I told her and she sighed.

"I'm sorry about your dad, Addy. I know you wanted him there." She told me and I nodded.

"It will be fine. At least I have Carlisle and the rest of you. That's enough for me." I told her, even though it still stung.

Alice nodded at that and set down her notebook. "Well, everything is set for the big day. Our cousins from Denali are supposed to come. And some other friends." Alice told me.

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