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Sejin looked at Jungkook and said to Suga without looking at him.

Sj-"When I came here I saw him resting his head on the table so I checked him and he was having a high fever."
Suga-"What!? But he was having one in last week, I have hardly seen him sick for 6-7 times in this whole 10 years."
Jk-"Don't worry hyung.. it may be the f-flu.. Manager hyung have already told me that he will take me to the hospital tomorrow if it does not go away."
Suga-"Ok.." Suga did not told but he felt something weird. "I will come with you tomorrow"
Jk-"W-why hyung?" Jungkook face palmed in his mind.
Suga-"I do not have any work tomorrow so I can. I will come quickly just bringing my bag and calling others" With that he left from his studio. Jungkook looked at his manager.
Jk-"Hyung please do anything you can only stop him... Please". sighed Sejin
Sj-"ok I will try, but it is not good Kook"
Jk-"I know .. I am S-sorry"
Just then all of his hyungs entered his studio.
Jm-"Yaa.. Suga hyung told us you are sick again .. are you feeling ok?" All of them attacked him with many questions.
"Why did not you come to us?"
"Since when did it get started?"
"It's second time.. right ?"
Sj-"Yaah.. all of you stop it.. let the boy speak .." he said with a high speech as their questions were never ending.
Jungkook giggled.
Jk-"Thank you sejin hyung , you saved me" (he said sarcastically)"This is the reason I did not told you .. you all are being worried nonetheless and I did not told you because I also did not realised that I was having fever, I just leaned my head for rest." They felt relieved.
Jin-"Ok let's go home now" he said as he helped Jungkook to get up and then they left for going home. They tugged him in bed after they arrived home. He showed the medicine to them and told that Sejin gave him from the company's medicine place. So they did not asked him more questions. After having dinner he took it.
Nj-"Don't worry there are still 2 weeks left for the comeback.. for now rest well." He said with giving reassuring smile. Jungkook nodded and tried to sleep But he was very scared that what will be in his reports. And then his hyungs ,they were worried because it is really rare for Jungkook to fall ill but it's two times in a week now. But they are relieved because Suga had told them that he will go to the hospital tomorrow.

Next morning

Jimin went to Jungkook's room first, he did not wake him. He took his temperature and it was 100°F. Then Jin got up, he usually first go to make breakfast but today he came to Jungkook's. And he saw Jimin.
Jin-"Is he alright?"
Jm-"I don't know.. his fever is still there. I did not wake him up"
Jin-"Let him sleep after breakfast is ready we will wake him up."
Jimin nodded and then both left the room to let him rest.
One by one all of them woke up and after breakfast was ready. Namjoon went to wake him up. He came and did not show them his tiredness. He just talked and did his things which he usually always do.
Suga-"Are you sure you are okay?"
Jk-"Yeah hyung you can see I am doing everything I usually do with same energy." They did not get convinced.
Just than Sejin visited in their dorm.
Sj-"Good morning everyone" all of them greeted him.
Sj-"Jungkook let's go to hospital." They were shocked that Jungkook did not made any excuses to cancel it as he always do, he was about to get up when Suga said...
Suga-"Hyung can I come I have not much work today." Jungkook was repeating 'no' in his head.
Sj-"uh.. sorry Suga but he is my family doctor so I know that he had a new rule that only one person can only visit with the patient because hospital should be silent so that other patients will not be disturbed and more people make more noise." All were confused a little but they nodded and let Jungkook leave with manager.
In the car Jungkook was looking outside the window and humming a song when he started coughing again.

Sj-"Do you want water?" He nodded. He drank a little but it did not go away. He coughed more and this time it came up with blood as his mouth also filled with metallic test. He became scare.
Jk-"H-hyung" He slowly showed his hand to him. Sejin quickly took his Napkin out and cleaned it.
Sj-"Don't worry, you will be okay."
They reached the hospital and then told the doctor about the cough.
Doc-"Your reports should be out by now... I have asked my staff to bring as soon s possible." Then a nurse entered with a file in his hand. Jungkook's heart rate was increasing now as he became nervous and grabbed his Managers hand. He responded him by caressing his hand to comfort him.
The doctor read it and then made a long sigh.
Sj-"What happened ?"

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