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Jk pov:

Will I be able to complete my promise? How will I tell hyungs ? Will they become mad for hiding ? But I did it because of them only so they will not be stressed.
Jm-"Are you okay?"
It is the time Jungkook, tell them. But they are tired now .. I will tell later..
(He was totally confused what should he do.)
Jk-"Yeah hyung"

Author pov:

Jk-"Yeah hyung" he said and Jimin wiped his tear with his sleeves with a smile.
Jm-"Why are you crying so much... We will do concerts again it was not the last one " after listening his words Jungkook broke down and he hugged Jimin tightly. Seeing this all of them were confused. V came near him and ruffled his hair.
V-"Kookie.. stop crying, it does not feel good, we should be happy that all of our works are now completed and we are free for a while.. so we should celebrate today." He nodded and wiped away his tears and stopped crying and then started laughing as Jimin tickled him.
Jungkook now told to himself that he will not say about his health today as they are now so happy as well as tired so he will tell later. They all came back home. They were now in the showers in their own rooms and Jungkook is talking to his manager.

Jk-"Hello hyung .. what happened?"
Sj-"Jungkook I know that you have not visited the hospital, I had just called your doctor."
Jk-"I... S-sorry hyung"
Sj-"Jungkook I know you will not tell them so I am on my way now to inform them. I can't wait more now. You did not kept your promise to take care of yourself so I also now can't keep my promise."
Jk-"NO hyung not today please... They all are tired now and they were also planning to celebrate now I can't ruin it please... Please give me just 2 days.. I will surely tell them.. please hyung give me a last chance.. And I will also visit the doctor tomorrow."
Then Jungkook heard a knock in the door.
Jk-"Hyung please I think someone is on my door.. I will call you later but please for now you also rest.. you are also tired like us please"
Sj-"Ok Jungkook but if you don't tell them in two days then I will surely... And for now rest well."
Jk-"Ok byee"

Jungkook then opened the door revealing Jhope.
Jh-"Jungkook-ah come downstairs everything is ready ... Let's partyyyyy" he said excitedly.
Jk-"ok hyung" he said and then followed him.
Jh-"Whom were you talking with?"
Jk-"uh.. Sejin hyung.. he told us to take rest sufficiently."

Both went downstairs. They did celebrated with lots of foods and drinks all of them were so happy even Jungkook. They finally wrapped up their party and decided to sleep in the hall .. all together.. All of them agreed and then spread the mattresses all accross the hall to sleep with eachother. Jungkook was in the middle. Either side of him were Jin and V followed by Jimin and Jhope on their sides and then Suga and Namjoon on the both ends. They put their phone on silent mode to get extra good and undisturbed sleep but Jungkook forgot to do so and all of their phones were on Suga's side in a table. Night went peaceful and soon the sunlight lightened the dorm. Suga woke up by the sound of notification on Jungkook's phone as he is a light sleeper. He grabbed his phone to put it on silent mode, but another notification of message pop up and his eyes caught that. 'Jungkook get ready at 4 pm, I will take you to the hospital' he raised his one eyes. Why will he go to the hospital? He thought.He knew the password. Well yeah they are together for more than 10 years now so they do know eachother's phone passwords but never opened as they knew to respect each other's privacy, but as it is regarding his health Yoongi knew Jungkook is too stubborn to come to them regarding it. So he finally decided to unlock his phone. He read yesterday's chat.

Jungkook you should tell them now.

All your comeback stuffs and concerts were all finished.

Before it's too late tell them.

They will not be mad, they will surely support you.

He was confused and suspicious now. So he decided to read the old messages.

Jungkook are you alright? I saw you having nose bleed in the office corrider. Have you taken your medicines ?
-Yes hyung, I have taken it and I am alright.
And did you carry your meds today ?
-Yeah hyung don't worry I will be alright.
Have you visited the hospital?
-Yep hyung
What did the doctor said?
-Nothing.. everything is fine.
Are you telling me the truth?
-aah hyung believe me.
Ok.. take care and come to me if any problem is there.

He was now worried he got the hint that it is something serious.

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