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But one thing they did not knew was that his parents were there in the back. They listened the conversation and was very grateful to the members to stand in their son's hard time. His father tapped Namjoon's shoulder and hugged him.

MrJ- "Thank you so much sons"
Nj-" why uncle?" He was confused.
MrJ-"Thank you all of you for taking care of my son everytime and supporting him whether in happiness or hard time, we listened everything and knew, the doctor told us outside that he is in stage 3. And then Jungkook's every word and yours. To be honest we were not able to grow him like we should as a parent, he grew fast than needed but only you six were- are with him all the time..."
Jin-"ooh.. uncle you know, we have seen him grow since 15, so it's like our duty."
Jungkook's mother went near him after V let him go.

MsJ-"Jungkook I am not forcing you to do according to us or for us, I know I can't take this decision, it's yours, but I want you to fight with this, I-we all can't bear the pain to loose you, I know that we don't know if the surgery will work, atleast we can hope for the best and then not regret later that we did not do when we had an option to save you." She bit her lips to not cry.
Jungkook looked at her. I can't make them cry more for me..."okay, will do it."
"I am ready for surgery."All of them smiled. "That's our strong Kookie."
Jk-"Hyung will it hurt?"
Jm-"No Kookie, you will be asleep before that and when will you awake we will be right beside you. I promise."
Jk-"You all do?"
Nj-"I am just calling the doctor to make him know our decision." He left after Jungkook nodded. Jungkook rested his back in the head board, while others sat around him. Soon the doctor arrived.

Doc-"I am happy that you choosed to do the surgery Jungkook, I think as soon as we can do, it is good for us. At early we can do it next week, Me with my senior will do it and can assure you that he is the best surgeon of Korea in this field. I hope everything goes well."
MrJ-"If everything goes fine, than will he be Cancer-free ?"
Doc-"We can't say that than and there, we have to continuosly examine him for one month than only we can conclude."
Doc-"For now it's your choice if you want to be in hospital or your home." He said to Jungkook. He took time and his hyungs know how to read his face.

Jk pov:

I want to go to dorm but ... But I have already troubled enough, if I will be in hospital than may be Nurse will take care and they don't have to but again If I will be in hospital than hyungs will not left me here they will also be here and probably will not get enough rest here.... What should I do. I-

Jin-"I know kook what you are thinking, don't over think just do what you want. You want to go to dorm?" he was smiling. How did he know? Ofcourse they know me better than myself.
I smiled back and nodded. I got discharged, Eomma-Appa don't wanted to live me I can see that in their eyes but atlast they went and now we are in our car. As soon as dorm showed up, I got out but half way I felt very dizzy. I grabbed Hoseok hyung, who was nearest.

Jh-"what happened Kook ?"
Jk-"Dizzy" he pulled me to his chest and supported me. I can feel another pair of hands supporting by my waist.
Well.. I can feel the small hands.
Jm-"Do you want to rest here sitting ?"
Jk-"No, keep going." They started walking, reaching the couch, they made me sit.

Author pov:

V-"Do you need anything ?"
Jk-"No, just sleepy." I could never ask for anything better seeing your support hyungs. He thought
Jin-"Jungkook just 10 mins, after lunch you can sleep. You have to take the meds in time." Jungkook agreed..
They did the lunch and Jungkook slept cuddling his Tae-bear. After waking up they played some board games, they laughed forgetting all the worries for now. Spent some quality times.

The days passed like this. Sometimes Jungkook talked in weverse with ARMYs , he felt warm receiving the messages. Soon the day before the surgery day came. Jungkook have to get admitted today.

Nj-"Jungkook are you ready to go to hospital?"
Jk-"Aish hyung, who really get ready to go for hospital, but I know I have to."
Jm-"hmm right.. let's go."

Jungkook got admitted in the hospital. They did some tests for tomorrow's Surgery. Soon the next day came, also the time for Surgery, his parents and brothers were also there. Jungkook was restless. They tried to give him mental and emotional strength as much as possible.

Jk-"I want to ask something.."
Suga-"What is it?"
Jk-"Promise me?"
Jin-"About what kookie?" Jungkook got up and sat, while Jimin placed an pillow in his back to make him comfortable.
Jk-"Promise me Jin hyung that you will lift my mood up like you use to do whenever I was at my low, Suga hyung, promise me that you will indirectly give me your comfortable Pats when I feel like I am drowning, Hobi hyung you will continue to give your sunshine energy whenever I am weak, Namjoon hyung will continue to comfort with his full of meaning lyrics and Jimin hyung will always give me the warmth whenever I am cold with emotions and V hyung will always make me laugh and surprise with his unique nature, and Eomma-appa, Junghyun hyung promise me that you will live happily and continue to support me what I want like you have always done, Promise me all of you. And most important you would not stop your life if there is no options for saving me." He said as tears filled everyone eyes..


Hello.. actually I want to take a 1 weak break from writing/posting. I promise I will not discontinue the book and to be honest this is my real story.(just some changes like hiding the health condition, that was imaginary). The lines that came to my mind at that moment but I was not able to say that so I tried to put the feelings in the story(don't worry I am close to fully be cancer free).I just put the characters of BTS.

So thinking about my current situation, about the studies, then everyone's expectations, pressures and thoughts for future career, I am feeling very much depressed from last 1-2 weeks I try to read ffs and show that I am excited and happy but it is not helping me so I just want to stop everything for a while. My parents are so much supportive and only this is the reason that I am feeling useless and like a failure because they are doing so much for me(they already did, they always fulfill all my needs, they supported me when I gave up knowing my condition, they are like my lights in a path,they said many things which make me emotional like they can do anything for me if that also includes giving all the savings) wherease I am not able to do anything for them for now. I am their only child so I just want to be the one, on which they can lean on but all the pressures are just moving in my head and like a voice is controlling me, it is just too much for me like ovewhelming. So I am just taking a break so that I will feel more lively, I will try my best to settle myself as sson as possible with my new schedules. I hope you understand and be patient with the updates I am so sorry for that.

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