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Namjoon asked it nervous to know what will the Doctor reply.
Doc-"If it does not, than we have to do a surgery, hopefully it will help."
"And as I already told I'd it does not work than I can't do anything.. he atmost he have 3-4 years."
V-"What no,no.. it have to work , you already told that it's curable. And you  told 5 years earlier." He said panicking... Jungkook gripped his hands and hugged him.
Jk-"Hyung I am not going anywhere.. I told you earlier I will never leave anyone of you." The soothing circles made by Jungkook on his back calm him down.
Doc-"Yes before I told that it's 5 years but the exhausting activities have made him weak , therefore I had asked him not to overwork. And to be honest this is the only reason the cancer developed, so now I would like you to make sure that he does not exhaust himself , and yes I have changed some meds to high power, he may sometimes get dizzy due to lack of oxygen so I suggest you to just sit then and there only, and yes I am prescribing a nubelizer in case you find difficulty while sleeping or any other time you have to use it."
Jk-"Ok, but I just want to know that I know there are some side effects of therapy so I just want that, after that it will not affect my work"
Doc-"well yes there are some side effects.. like hairfall, lose of appetite, dizziness,  "
The doctor gave some more instructions and then let them go, and then Manager asked them to do a meeting in the dorm with him for all this.
Sj-"You all know why I called for a meeting."
Suga-"Jungkook we can't hide it from ARMY .. we have to tell them."
Jk-"Ok I am ready to reveal it, I can understand. I don't want to fade away suddenly without giving them any explanation."
Suga-"What do you mean by fade away?" He raised an eyebrow.
Jk-"uh.. nothing hyung" he gave a nervous laugh.
Nj-"I think we should take a hiatus, so that we can take care of Jungkook properly and he will get full rest."
Jin-"Yeah, that's better"
Jh-"Jungkook have you told your family?"
Jm-"I don't think he had.. is it Jungkook ?"
Jk-"No.. I did not..." he looked down.
V-"Jungkook you have to tell them, they will be hurt if they got to know from anything else before you tell them."
Jk-"I know hyung, but I don't know how to tell them, they will be sad to know this, I don't want that."
Jh-"We understand Jungkook, but you know that you have to, and it's better as soon as you tell them, you can call now also" he nodded and picked his phone to call..
Nj-"Do you want to talk alone?, we will talk later."
Jk-"No hyung, it's alright." He dialled his phone to his older brother, Jung-hun.
Jk-"Hello hyung.."
-"Hii Jungkookie (He said in a chearful way)..
"Where are you hyung?"
-I am in my company. Why?"
"Oh.. Can you, Eomma and Appa come today or tomorrow please?.."
-"Ok?.. but that's unusual for you, what happened, I can tell from your voice that you are tensed and serious. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah hyung, nothing I just miss all of you, I will tell you when you come... "
-"Ok, I don't have much work after lunch, so we will visit today.. byee"
"Ok byee" Jungkook let out a sigh. He looked to his members and leaned on his right, on Namjoon's shoulder.
Jk-"I don't know hyung, how will I.."
Jm-"Don't worry they will understand, and we are here for you."

He patted his head.
That evening his brother, mother and father visited him in the dorm .
(mother of Jungkook- mJ.. father of Jungkook - fJ ..Brother of Jungkook- bJ)
They hugged eachother and his family was so happy to see him after so long. They also met other members and talked happily. Then after some good time Namjoon went beside him and whispered to him...
Nj-"you can go to your room with them to talk if you want to be alone"
Jk-"No hyung, I want your help, I can't say it all on my own. Please"
They were now at the couch, his father and mother seating side by side and brother on the other couch. Jungkook kneeled, head on his mothers lap and his hands move to his father's feet. His mother ruffled his head.
MJ-"What happened kookie ?"
Jk-"You know I am strong right ?"
FJ-"Huh? Yeah you are.. but suddenly why are you asking this."
Jk-"You know that I can face everything with your support. Please support me like you did from my birth to till now."
His family were confused now...
His brother turned his head to the members.
BJ-"Why is he saying like this ?" Jungkook closed his eyes, head still on his mother's lap.
Jk-"I have lung cancer.."

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