Shuichi Saihara

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Shuichi POV:

Hello, my name is Shuichi Saihara..I am the Ultimate detective and I don't have many friends, but Rantaro was the one that let me join there quote on quote "group gang". I really didn't mind.

Rantaro was a admired and famous student. Everyone adore him. He was bisexual, I really didn't care at all. He always gets in trouble for everything. He isn't a smart student, but he was dating a top A+ student named, Kokichi ouma.

For Kokichi, he is a intelligent student in our class. He gets straight A's in every topic. I must say he does study a lot, but a popular boy with a timid boy doesn't really work out. Kokichi was gay. I do support my friends .

In fact, Kokichi was dating him and it's not that, but when Rantaro was around him he felt self-conscious around him. Rantaro would make sexual jokes or sometimes make him off...

Kokichi doesn't really stutter, but he does get hurt and sometimes have bruises on his hand. He does wear bandage's, but something seems off...

"Hey Shuichi, how are you" Rantaro said

"I'm great, what about you?" I spoke

"I'm doing well, since Ouma is with me" He puts his arm around Kokichi shoulder's 

"Rantaro, please put your arm a-away?" Kokichi replied

"Come on, have some fun than reading your math book" Rantaro whined

"R-rantaro, you have to study than playing on your phone. Your grades are terribly low" Kokichi declared

"Then, why don't you do my homework then?" He said

"No Ran, I can't do that and thats called cheating" Ouma said

"Ugh you're no fun" Amami uttered

"Hey Ouma-kun, can you help me on one of the homework?" I mentioned

"Sure, what is it about?" Kokichi smiled

"It's Math and I'm getting 60% in Math class" I said

"Amami, can I assist Shuichi with his homework" He said

"Yea sure, I'll be with my friends see ya" Amami left

"Lets go to a unoccupied class-room so we can work on it" Kokichi said

"Sure" I said

Kokichi went to Class B-12 and there was a empty class-room. Kokichi took out his Math book out and place it on the table. I took a near by chair and sat next to him.

"the Nath you're stuck on is the Pythagorean Theorem. You might remember that finding c^2 is to do a^2 + b^2 = c^2" Kokichi explained

*after all that math answer & questions*

"Thanks Ouma that was helpful" I thanked him

"Your welcome and you can ask me anytime, if you need any help with on any of the homework" Kokichi smiled

"Hey Ouma, I have a question" I comment

"Go ahead" Kokichi said, curiously

"Why are you dating Rantaro?" I asked

"I didn't want to date him, he was a delightful guy and I couldn't say no to him. I agreed and we started dating for 6 months..." Kokichi explained

"If there's something going on with you & him, just tell me. I'm always here to listen" I said

"Thank you" Kokichi embraced me

"Your welcome" I hugged back

"I have to go, see you after class" Kokichi said

"Sure thing" I smiled

as he left, he did drop a note at the way out the class-room

"Hey Shuichi, I need to tell you about my relationship with Rantaro. You promise not to tell anyone. This is only between the two of us.
Rantaro isn't what he seems to be. I need to remind you that he always follows me around. whenever you ask me for help for your homework. He was following us and it makes me uncomfortable. I need your help and I'm in danger around him."

By Kokichi

Kokichi needs help and I can't do anything. I know there's someone who can assist to help me.

"Hey ------ I need you're help. I know your busy, but it's very important. We can meet behind the school ground." I hang-up.

I was behind the school and notice Rantaro standing. He was waiting for someone maybe Kokichi? Rantaro turned back and notice me. He walked up to me.

"Hey Shuichi, what are you doing behind the school?" Rantaro said

"Well meeting someone and you?" I said

"Just waiting for Ouma and taking him to my place" He said

"By the way, I need to speak to you tomorrow. Can you give me your address?" I said

"Oh sure I don't care really, but yea its *********" He replied

"Oh thanks" I said

"Hey Ran, let's go home" Kokichi said

"Sure thing babe" He said and grab Kokichi's hand tightly

"...Bye" Ouma said softly

Kokichi looks very hurt and very frightened for what's going on. He might get hurt, if I don't do something quickly.

"Hey Shuichi" Maki said

"Hey Maki, I need your assistant" I said

"What's wrong? I heard it was something very important?" Maki asked

"I need you to go to Rantaro's place and help Kokichi" I said

"Wait?! Kokichi the smart kid in our school?" She asked

"Maki, you must be quiet. You may not heard, but Kokichi gave me this note needing our help." I declare

"How come?" Maki asked

"It might be about Rantaro, but here's the address. When you get there, tell me what you see.  Make sure you record it as evidence" I explained our plan

"You know, if you report it to the police he might call his father to bail him out of jail?" She said

"I'll make sure he doesn't know alright, be careful not to get caught" I said

"Sure thing" Maki quickly left

Ouma Kokichi, I will save you. I won't fail you this time, I promise.

Kokichi POV:

"Rantaro, why can't I just sleep-over at Shuichi's place I exclaimed

"Because I don't want you too" Rantaro replied

"I just want to feel comfortable" I said

"Your already are babe, stop being over-reacting" He said

"But-" Rantaro interrupted me

"Enough is enough Kokichi, don't make me harm you" He said

I just stay silence and countine walking with Rantaro. until I heard my phone had a nofication by someone. I took out my phone to see Shuichi wrote down his address.

Maybe tonight I should sneak out, I just don't feel comfortable around Rantaro.

"We're here" Rantaro said

"Hello Rantaro, your father wants to speak with you" One of Rantaro bodyguard said

"Ugh fine Kokichi, just go upstairs and go to my room" He said as he walked inside

I went inside and saw Rantaro house is huge and very big, but I have to find a way to escape this hell hole.

Word count: 1028

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now