Scared of letting go...

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Third Person POV:

Kokichi's voices came back to bother him. Ouma ignored it and didn't listen to them. Kokichi was looking at Shuichi. But those voices were against Kokichi and wanted to him to have trauma.

Shuichi was cooking and he was almost done. He put the stove on high heat, and Kokichi saw Shuichi putting down the knife. This was the time that, They want him to suffer.

Kokichi's voices told him to die and kill himself. This made Kokichi cover his ears and Ouma tried to ignore them. They started messing with his mind and did things to him.

A second thought, Ouma saw only him for what he see's was blood. No one could see it and it was his imagination. What they did to him, made him start to feel despair...

but then Kokichi being himself and he couldn't control it. He was afraid to die, he was to afraid to see everyone die in his own hands. Cold-blooded... he only imaginate what he can only see.

Ouma kept breathing in and out, but the voices didn't stop and countine. They keep giving death comments to Kokichi. This made Kokichi be out of control of himself.

Ouma suddenly got up. Shuichi was stirring the food and Ouma went and saw the knife. He pick it up and putting close to his stomach. Those death comments made him lose his life of another person...

Shuichi saw this and told Ouma to stop, but he wasn't. Shuichi almost took the knife then Kokichi raised the knife and stabbed Shuichi's right hand.

Ouma saw this and was afraid. Shuichi's uncle got up and went toward Shuichi. His right hand bleeding as blood was dripping. The knife still inside of Shuichi's hand.

Ouma apologized so many times. H e had hurted his boyfriend and was crying. He didn't want any of this. The voice succussed their misson on Kokichi to hurt his loved ones.

Kokichi POV:

I hurt Shuichi. I agonized him... I'm a terrible boyfriend.. I started to perceive this penitence and Shuichi was hurt because of me. I wanted them to stop traumatizing me...

I started hearing the voices telling me, I almost killed shuichi. They told me and I couldn't control myself. I hated these voices. I hated myself... I want them To Shut Up....

I couldn't be good enough.... Why would I do that? Shuichi's right hand was bleeding and it was all because of me. I harmed him because of them. They enjoy making me suffer...

Great job killer

Who even are you anymore

You almost killed shuichi




No need to hurt him, idoit...


Dirty B$£%& 

You brat

It's your fault, you're here

He hates you

He thinks your a pyshco

he never will love you again for what've you done to him

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happened to him. I love him now he thinks I'm a psycho... It's your fault, you made me do this...

"Ouma, its alright" Shuichi said 

Shuichi's hand was wrap with bandages and It's all my fault. I didn't look at Shuich,i because these voices are going to do more than harming him.

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now