The real reason

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Shuichi POV:

"Is that why you don't feel comfortable to show your body?" I said

Kokichi just nodded, Kokichi did say he didn't want to talk about Rantaro anymore, but the truth is all I need. I wonder if Rantaro ever did 'it' with Ouma?

"Did Rantaro take your virginity, when he does 'it' with you" I asked

"N-no he didn't since, I did almost killed him" He explain

"So that means.." I said

"You took my virginity Saihara. I only feel comfortable around you to do 'it'" He said

I never know Ouma never done it. I mean I'm in shock to hear that I was the one, who took his virginity. Ouma was happier to be with me than Rantaro.

"But all the scars and abuse marks, did he really did that to you?" I asked

"I-I never obey h-his order. he'll would f-find a way t-to hurt m-me" Ouma stuttered in between the sentence

"Why didn't you tell the police officer or anyone you trust most?" I asked

"if I-I did he'll t-try to warn me" Ouma explained

"Why did you tell me?" I said

"Y-your a detective, s-so you can d-do anything for m-me" He replied

"Is this the real reason, why he does it to you?" I asked

Kokichi was crying, he didn't want to say the answer. He was only just a teenager and he doesn't have anything to do with this.

I gently rubbed circles on his back to calm him down. Ouma told me, he never experience this in his life. I can tell why he never did. He was just young to experience love.

He said that he doesn't want to be left alone and doesn't want to be anguished inside anymore. He wanted to feel love and care, from his partner.

Shortly, Ouma calm down. He was sleeping in my arms, I never see this in his life and he loves me for who I am. I felt bad asking personal question...

Ouma is just a teenager and never experience love in his life. He only saw lies and heart breaks. Everything is all about the money and fame.

He just wanted someone to love him more, then anything in the world. At the end, it will be worth it then just cheating. I played with Kokichi's hair, wondering something.

I move Ouma in the bed and let him sleep. After all that question I asked him, but this reason I have is, why Rantaro?

Is it because he's popular or looking like a nice guy. Is it just he saw him as a nice guy, maybe he wanted to experience love. I didn't want Rantaro in his life.

I should not over think. Ouma said he didn't want to be heart broken by someone he loves. I hate Rantaro so much that it's been years, we finally arrested him.

"I'm home" My Uncle said

"Hello Uncle" I said, sitting on the couch

"What's wrong? You look a bit like you're pissed off" He asked

"No it's not that, but I feel like you never experience love before" I replied

"Shuichi, look at me is it about Ouma again?" He asked

"Yea sorry for bring him up all he time" I apologized

"I get it I know How you feel, but don't over-think to much of him" He said

My uncle sat down next to me and was taking files out of his bag. He showed a case of Rantaro Amami's life. I was confused, why he brought a case of Rantaro?

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now