Getting worse

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Kokichi POV:

It's getting hard to breathe from my lungs. It was getting terrible to breathe. Without telling shuichi that I love him, I'll die...

If I die then It will be to late to tell him that I love him. I knew he didn't understand but I want him near me. To save me from the life and death.

"Kokichi, you have to tell Shuichi you love him" Miu said

"N-no I-I can't equivocate him... W-what if h-he doesn't like m-me back *coughs*" I said

"He does like you" Miu said

"N-no h-he doesn't t-think that..." I replied

"It doesn't matter about the fight, he's just confused" Miu said

"I-I can't l-let him s-see me like *coughs* this" I replied

"Would you rather not tell him and die or would you rather tell him. to be alive" Miu said

"B-be alive" I replied

"I'm calling Shuichi and tell him to come over" Miu said

"N-NO d-don't" I begged

"I can't see you like this, bestie" Miu said, cried

"I-I know" I started coughing more

Shuichi POV:

What is going on and what's wrong with me. Ouma isn't feeling alright and blood was coming out his mouth. I need to get inside the dorm right now

What if Rantaro planned this? He did this so, I wouldn't be near to Ouma!? That c-can't be... I thought, my uncle would arrest him.

"hey Shuichi" Maki said

"Yea Maki" I replied

"You may not believe me, but Rantaro's girlfriend told Rantaro a plan to break. your friendship with Ouma's" She explained

"That Cheating MotherF$#%&*" I cursed

"After planning that, Rantaro went to your guys dorm. He tricked Ouma to open the door for him" She said

She took out her phone and show me her camera rolls. One of them was a video of Rantaro and Kokichi in our dorm. Wait then that mean...?

"You recorded the whole thing?" I said

"Yes I did now watch" She press on the video

I watch the whole thing seeing that Rantaro was the one. That lied to Kokichi of his mother death. Which made him open the door.

That cheating b%$#&. He can do this, but what about ouma sickness... He had blood coming out of him and-


"Kokichi has the Hanahaki disease" Maki said

I guessed right, Ouma was hiding something from me. Why didn't he just told me? What is hiding more from me..? I have to go to him.

"Kokichi, why...?" I said

"Shuichi, the ambluance was here this afternoon. They took Kokichi to the hostipal" Maki mention

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said

"Miu told me this afternoon that Ouma passed out in her arms. When she was talking to him" Maki explained

"I have to go" I returned Maki her phone, and went to the hostipal

I took the bus to be a bit closer to the hostipal. I called Miu, if she was at the hostipal? She explained that, she was in the hostipal with kaede. Miu told me to hurry before it's to late.

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now