I'm a...!?

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Kokichi POV:

I-I shot him. I killed my own father. Now I-I'm a killer. I started to have this guilt in me. I wanted to cry so badly. I couldn't control myself, I just killed him.

I dropped the gun quickly and sat down for what I have done... Why? I don't like anyone to die not even my friends and love ones...

Maki and Shuichi just looked at my father's dead body. Shuichi crouched down to me and hugged me. Why I killed my own father? Why is he hugging me?

"Ouma, I know your traumatize but you had to do something" Shuichi reassured me

"No need to worry, I'm here. Don't think you're a killer, Ouma" Shuichi replied

I remembered my past memory, how my mother died. I was there seeing the scene and I heard gun shot from my mother scene to see my father.

He killed my own mother and I remember being passed out from all the traumatizing scene. This made me remember and made me upset.

"Shuichi, what are we going to say about this?" Maki asked

"It doesn't matter, Maki" Shuichi told her

"Shuichi, if you can't say anything for what happened to the police?" Maki explained

"Maki, Kokichi is just traumatize right now. Please don't agrue when he's here" Shuichi telling Maki to end the converstation.

"S-shuichi, I'm a killer. I should go t-to jail" I said, sobbing 

"Kokichi, you wouldn't alright, just because you killed your father. Doesn't mean you're a killer" Shuichi declare

"Yea I am" I replied

Then we heard police siren were on. Everyone was out of there classroom and another gun shot were shoot. We heard the police officer yelling at the shooter.

"Police, put your gun down NOW" the police officer said

Then another gun shot fire. We heard talking from another person. I just wish this is a joke. I was traumatize to speak...

"WHERE IS KOKICHI" A familiar voice shouted

"Put your gun down and we won't harm you" The police officer said

"Hey, anyone in here" We heard a knock

It was the police. Maki and Shuichi moved the desk and chair. Then the police came in to see the dead body of my father.

"What the F*ck happened here? Are you guys hurt or shot?" The police officer asked

"I-I k-killed him" I said

The police officer turned around to see me. He crouch down and told me what happened? I was to afraid to speak. I felt like I was interrogated.

"Lets get you outside. All of you, outside ok" The police officer said to us

Shuichi grabbed my hands and Maki quickly went outside. Another gun shot were fired. We went outside, and both Shuichi and I sat in the police officer car.

"Ouma, just look at me" Shuichi told me

I looked up at him with my red and puffy eyes. Shuichi reassured me that nothing is going to happened. Even though 3-4 gun shot were fired.

"I know about your mother's death and your father's death. You need to calm down" He tried reassuring me.

"I-I k-killed him, I'm a m-murder" I said, tears form from my eyes

"Shhh... no need to be worried" Shuichi said

Shuichi POV:

Kokichi crying and I hugged him. Saying everything is going to be alright. Maki and I just agrued. The police officer came to the window and ask what happened?

I explain in details, how kokichi's father came in from the window and he was holding a gun. He was about to killed me, but then Ouma shot him.

"Are you his friend?" The police officer asked

"No I'm his boyfriend and you may know Rantaro Amami?" I asked

"Yea. He's shooting students so we had to shoot him, before he can kill everyone else" He explained

"How many people are shot?" I said

"Like 5 to 6 people, but we took them to the hostipal. I hope they're alive" He said

"you do live with someone?" He asked

"I live with my uncle" I said

"Ok then" He left

I saw Ouma sleeping in my lap, so I took off my jacket and cover him. While he's asleep, he was just traumtized, he doesn't know what to do.

*sigh* Ouma, I'm sorry for everything you've been though. You really don't deserve this at all. We didn't deserve to live like this, neither do you.

After all of that trauma. We went back to our parents and the school building were closed. They will have to close the school.

We did have school, but on zoom calls. In fact, the school year isn't finished. Ouma moved into my uncle's place to stay. I'm gald my uncle accept him to stay.

Ouma is asleep, after the trauma he saw. Everyone else is alive and well nothing happened to them, instead of Kokichi's father. He was announced dead.

The other student are alive, they were wounded. I sat down in the living room watching the news that 2 prisonner were Rantaro Amami and Kokichi's father. The school had a, school shooting.

The news explain, how traumatizing the scene of the school shooting were. How many students were thankfully alive. The school had to close.

I turned off the tv, just done with this life. I heard footsteps, I turned to see Ouma, who was awake. Ouma looked sad or either afraid.

"Hey Ouma, are you alright?" I asked

"I'm alright, just b-bad memories" He said

Kokichi sat on my lap and wrapped his arm around me. I embraced him, Kokichi just had bad dreams. I didn't want to see Kokichi miserable.

Kokichi looked at me, as I made eye conact with him. I kiss him, reassuring him that everything will go away. Promising not to leave him and to protect him, love him and care for him. 

Ouma listen as he fell asleep. I put Ouma on the couch and kissed his head. I went online to see everyone there. I wonder what Maki is up to?

The teacher apologized for what happened. Promising not to give unnecessary homework. She said that Ouma is not here for class today.

Everyone looked upset that Kokichi isn't in class. He was living with me since he moved in with me. The teacher's already knew.

"Ok class, lets start talking about today's lesson" She said

I got a text from Maki saying if Ouma is ok? I respond back saying, he's asleep and he's alright. Nothing to worry about.

She apologized for agruing with me. She said in text, that school has been a bad memory for us. I agree what she meant and I have that to.

I forgived her. She is my best friend no matter what. Everyones camara were on, but sometimes Kokichi would need attention. You can say Ouma does love the attention, I give him.

I got a text from Kokichi... Wait what? I turned to see Kokichi sleeping. Who is texting from Kokichi's phone. I was concerned someone had his phone, until-

The phone rang and it had Kokichi's name on it. I decided to answer the phone. Whoever was on the other side of the call, is either Rantaro or someone?

"Hello?" I answered

word count: 1143

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now