Just friends right...?

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Shuichi POV:

We heard a similar person from behind us. I turned to see Rantaro clapping his hands like if he was at a show. Ouma turned and saw Rantaro.

"Oh WOW, already moving onward" Rantaro said

"You're such a cheater, aren't you?" Rantaro replied again

"SHUT UP Rantaro, I'm done with your hideous lies already" Kokichi said

"What did you say to me" Rantaro replied

"I said Shut up, you cheating a$$hole" Kokichi declared

"Kokichi, simmer down" I stated

"No wonder, an admired boy could be a cheater?" Kokichi mentioned

"In fact, a nerd student could be a cheater too" Rantaro respond

"For the last time I am NOT a nerd student" Kokichi shouted at rantaro

"Jeez take a chill pill, babe" Rantaro said

"Kokichi?" I said 

Kokichi was so quiet at first, but then Kokichi looked very very mad. I grabbed his arm so he couldn't hurt Rantaro. Trying to pull him back as Kokichi cursed at Rantaro. 

"You son of a B%$£" Kokichi cursed 

Rantaro just started laughing so hard. He fell down laughing as his tears fell down at a funny thing. I let Ouma free. 

"Opps my hand slipped" I teased

Kokichi just slap Rantaro face very hard, that there was a red slap mark on his face. Its more like a ex-couple fight mostly. Kokichi just pissed of him.

"Never call me that again. Motherf%$#@" Kokichi replied

"Ok ok jeez" Rantaro said

"Oh one last thing" Kokichi replied

Kokichi kicked Rantaro private spot. Rantaro fell on his knees and hold it as Kokichi grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs. We went to his locker to get his bag, as he was getting his stuff ready the announcement turned on.

"Hello class and students today's announcement,  you students are getting a dorm room with your classmate. Go to the teacher and you'll get a piece of paper of one your classmate. That's all" the announcement ended

"Looks like we're going to get a dorm to dwell in" Kokichi said

"I hope its not that bad" I stated 

"Same" Kokichi replied

"hello, here is your paper" the teacher said

I read mine and I was with Kokichi Ouma. I'm not quite surprised, but he is going to know more about me who knows? Kokichi was in-shock which, I wasn't to pleasent to see.

Kokichi POV:

The classmate i'm with is Shuichi Saihara 

Well it's a good thing, I'm not going to live with Rantaro. Shuichi and I are just friends right? I'm not sure? What if I had a crush on him...!

What am I even saying right now?! Me and Shuichi are friends. Maybe I do have a crush on him or WHAT if he has a crush on me?! 

"Ouma, who did you get?" Shuichi replied, concerned

"o-oh I got you, I feel its just some sort of luck" I mention 

"We should get going to go" he said

"Yea.." I said

Shuichi & I went to our new dorm room to see it was like a cabin. There were 2 bedrooms and we get our own washroom, which was cool. I started unloading and put my stuff away.

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now