First time

447 4 24

There would be lime at first but then they will make out (lemon)

Kokichi POV:

Shuichi hasn't been sleeping because of that aclohol. I was getting mad because Miu brought the aclohol without even caught.

"Shuichi, you're drunk from two shots of aclohol" I said

"I'm not tired" Shuichi whined

"Shuichi, you have to sleep" I demand

"No~ I want to cuddle" Shuichi said

he is so high and I'm worried, he'll do something when I'm asleep. It's better to let stay awake as long Shuichi wouldn't do anything.

"K-kokichi please" Shuichi said

"Fine you sleep in your own bed though" I said

"What about we watch a movie" He said

"God Shuichi. fine but go change" I uttered

I went my room and changed. I wore Shuichi's hoodie that he gave me, and I wore socks since it's cold. The school turned there heater because of the bills.

"Ouma" Shuichi walked in

"Shuichi, what do you want?" I asked

he hugged me. He may had control himself a bit but I have a feeling he'll do more then that. I looked at Shuichi as he made eye contact.

"Just a kiss understand" I said

He just nodded. We kiss and he was different from being drunk than normal. He is still Shuichi. After 10 minutes of kissing, he broke the kiss with a string of sailva.

"S-shuichi, are you crazy?" I said panting

"I s-said just a k-kiss" I replied

"Sorry" He said

This dude really didn't control himself. I just didn't want to feel uncomfortable so I gave him a chance. Hoping he gets better of controlling himself.

"Shuichi, what are you doing?" I asked

He went down on my neck and started bitting it. It was painful at first, but then he found me good spot on my neck. Which made me moan a bit.

"S-shuichi~" I moaned

He kept giving me hickey's on my neck. After, he did that I had a dark visble hickey on my neck. I didn't know, what he's doing next?

"Lets go watch a movie" He said

"Y-yea" I replied

Now I have to cover that hickey tomorrow and I just don't know if I was a bit to loud. I didn't want to wake up the others. People will start making rumors about Shuichi and I.

I went out of my room and saw Shuichi watching the movie, without me. He was drunk after all, but not as much drunk.

I cuddle with Shuichi. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, and Shuichi just wrapped me with his arms around my body. We both watched the movie in silence.

Movie was half in and nothing that intresting yet. The scene showing a man and female kissing and making out. I had to closed my eyes, I don't like scene were two person making out.

I just don't know what to feel a man with another man touching each others body. I started to feel uncomfortable watching the scene.

"Oh~ Ha-harder~ D-daddy~" The scene still countine 

Then Shuichi moves one of his arm. He gently rubs my ear slowly making me quietly moan. I don't know, how he found my sensitive spot that quick?

"S-shuichi" I moan quietly

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now