Did that actually happen?

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Kokichi POV:

...What happen? Where even am I? Where is Miu and Kaede...? I don't even remember what happened. I turned and saw hostipal machines and I was hooked up with a breathing device.

"Hello Kokichi, are you ok?" The doctor asked

"W-what happened?" I asked

"Your friend brought you here, and you have the hanahaki disease. I have a question to ask" The doctor replied 

"I-I know, wh-what your g-going to say" I said

"What do you mean?" He said

I tried my best to tell him that I was in love with Shuichi. That I had a crush on him but couldn't tell him that I've love him. The doctor was shocked to hear my answer.

"Is h-he- *cough* here" I asked

"Shuichi was taken to the asylum for beating up Rantaro" He stated

"W-what y-your joking- *coughs* ri-right?" I said, surprised

"I'm sorry, but he was taken away and he's dangerous" he said

This can't be happening right? I love him and if he's not here...?! No, no, no, this is just false information? Shuichi has to be here, I wanted to tell him...

"Kokichi, are you alright" Kaede came in my room

The doctor stayed silent and let the two of us talk. I tried to stay calm but I couldn't I needed Shuichi. I need him or it'll be too late.

"W-where is s-shuichi?" I asked

"I told you he is to dangerous-" I cut him off

"Rantaro abused me and even phsyically harm me, you d-dumba$$" I explained

I demand the doctor to call the police on him. Kaede just watch as she tried to calm me down. I didn't care about what people think?

"Ok just wait here" the doctor left

"Kokichi, I know shuichi is gone. Bu-" I interrupted Kaede 

"G-give m-me your p-phone" I told her

"What do you need it for?" She asked

"To c-call shuichi" I said

Kaede just nodded and gave me her phone. I went to her phone and went to phone contacts to see Shuichi name. I started to call him and waited.

"Pick up Shuichi" I said

"Hello who's this" Someone answered

"I-Is Shuichi there? I-I need him o-on the phone" I asked

"Shuichi is in the asylum right. Who are you" Someone stated

"K-Kokichi Ouma, I am S-Shuichi friend. Can y-you pass h-his phone to him" I begged

"Ok, you do know Shuichi is a killer" They said

"I-I do-don't care- *coughs*" I said

"Alright then" They said

I waited for him to answer back and the only thing I need is Shuichi. All I heard was walking sound and heard the something unlock.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi replied

"Shu-Shuichi, are you o-ok?" I asked

"I'm sorry Ouma" he apologized

He told me that it was his fault not believing me. He was guilty leaving me alone at the hostipal, while he's in the mental asylum.

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now