What Maki saw

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Maki POV:

I followed the couples to see Kokichi had a text. Maybe from Shuichi that gave him his address, but Rantaro doesn't make Ouma feel comfortable. He's such an a$$hole.

After arriving at Rantaro's place. (But f*ck was it huge) it's like a manison. I have to get in, but maybe in the back of his house. Nobody would notice me there.

I climbed on the wall of a fence and I was inside. I saw a huge tree and it looks like, that's where the couple are sleeping. It's like three floor above.

I climbed the tree and I was gald, it was big enough. The tree does cover me behind these big leafs.I saw Kokichi doing his homework.

Rantaro stormed in and was angry, super mad. Kokichi got up and settle him down, asking what's wrong between him and his father.

"Babe, I don't care about what my father would say to me" Rantaro said, furiously

"Ran you need to just relax a bit. Ingore what your father said, maybe it's not truly accurate" Kokichi said calmly

"Ugh My father is always busy everyday, even on the hoildays" He mention

"Its ok, you know I'm here" Kokichi replied

"Your right, lets go a bit far today" Rantaro said

"Ran, I'm not unprepare to do 'it' with you " Kokichi said

"I don't care. In addition, you dated me so I do what I like" He said

"...I just don't-" Rantaro slap his face

what the f*ck. Why would Rantaro do that. I am recording the whole thing, but ugh I hate that dude nerves. 

"Now you obey what I say" Rantaro taking out Kokichi jacket

Kokichi pushed him away and Rantaro hit his head on the floor. Kokichi's face was pale as a ghost. He was frightened to do anything.

"You little brat" Rantaro shouted at him

"I don't want to" Kokichi said

Rantaro got up and went to his drawer. He opened it and he grabbed a knife and a whip. Why does he have these things. He was going to abuse Ouma.

"R-rantaro, please you h-hurt me enough" Kokichi begging

"haha It's not enough for a brat, like you. Give me your arms and legs NOW" He said

"W-w-what no, are y-you crazy?" Kokichi said, terrified

Rantaro went closer to Kokichi. He grabbed his arm and legs, started deep cutting them. There was different type of cuts and bruises, from the previous week.

"Now sl*t, will you listen now or do I have to indicate that you're mine." Rantaro exclaimed

"I'm n-not yours and I-I don't l-like you a-at all" Kokichi was traumatized

"I'll show you that I actually love you" Ranatro went closer to Kokichi's neck

"Ran, P-please-" Rantaro started giving him a light hickey, going rough on his neck.

Kokichi started to panic and grab a brick under Rantaro's bed. For support, Kokichi planned to escape and put a brick underneath the bed. Kokichi immediately hit Rantaro's head.

Rantaro immediately fell down and blood was coming out his head. The frightened Ouma started to panic from the trauma, Rantaro did to him.

I've seen everything and finished the video, but didn't send it yet. I texted Shuichi that Kokichi was coming to him. I left from the scene as my mission was complete.

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now