True love kiss

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Shuichi POV:

We made it. I rapidly went inside of the hostipal building, and I told the nurse, that I needed to visit Kokichi. They quickly deny me, and told me I can't.

"What do you mean, I can't? Kokichi is almost dying" I asked

"You had abuse a teenager, we kindly ask you to leave" The nurse told me

"You son of a- I need to see him" I demand

"Sir, we found the one" They said

What they found a random person for Ouma. That is not how it works. When the person said the name of them, you let them in and confess to them.

"You got the wrong person" I shouted

"S-Shuichi- *Coughs* H-help me" Kokichi yelled my name

"Ouma" I quickly went to his room to saw Rantaro kissing him. Kokichi had blood with flower petals in his hands. He weakly push Rantaro away but his grip was tight.

I grab Rantaro's arm and pushed him out of the room. I furiously yelled at him. I was worried that Ouma couldn't even explain.

"What the hell man, What are you doing here?" He asked

"How many times did I have to say this? Kokichi is not your type" I yelled at him

*Coughs, coughs, coughs*

Kokichi was coughing, uncontrollably. he grabbed my hands and embracing me. He tugged my shirt as he crys. I never saw Ouma this way.

"S-Shuichi d-d-don't *coughs*" kokichi begged

"Ouma, hang tight" I said hugging him

"I-I love y-you S-Shuichi. Y-you are m-my good f-friend and I-I d-don't w-w-want to l-leave- *coughs* y-you" Kokichi stutters as he couldn't breathe

"I love you too Ouma" I said

"Kokichi, you can't do this... he's a unmental, he almost killed a man" Rantaro stated

"Shut up B%$#& you don"t say anything" Miu said

"whoever kokichi loves is his chose Rantaro" Kaede said

Kokichi's friend defended Ouma and I. The doctors came out and saw the fight as they watched. I've done nothing wrong.

"S-S-shuichi" Kokichi looked at me

Kokichi was about to die. The only option was to kiss him. I grabbed Kokichi's waist and pull him close to me. Ouma blushed, from being embarrassed

"Just kiss already" Miu yelled

"Miu, calm down" Kaede said

"Ouma, come on I know you love me right?" Rantaro asked

"N-no I-I d-d-don't I only l-love S-Shuic-" I interrupted from his mid sentence

I kissed him and Ouma just kissed back. I heard Kokichi's friend celebrating and Man was that a chaos. Ouma was meant to be with me.

"WoooHOOOOOO" Miu shouted, getting over-excited

"Miu, It's just a kiss" Kaede replied

"Ugh THIS ISN'T OVER" Rantaro Shouted

"You're under arrest for abusing and sexually abusing a teenager" I heard my uncle said

I broke the kiss to see Ouma breathing. He looking at me, I can see Ouma smiling and it's like real true love kiss. Both of us smiled

"I love you, Saihara" Kokichi said with a smile

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now