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Maki POV:

I should send this right now, before Rantaro would check my backpack. *sends video* There I should go to school, Shuichi may do something maybe tell a teacher or maybe talk to his uncle or the FBI? I should stop over-thinking and get going.

Shuichi POV:

I woke up seeing Kokichi in my arms still asleep, but he looked calm and peaceful when his asleep. Kokichi hasn't been getting sleep lately, what is Rantaro doing to Kokichi at night? 

I should get ready first and wake up Ouma, after finishing. I should get him some uniform since he can't go back to Rantaro's place, because of yesterday evening.

*phone nofication* 

Looks like Maki sent the video, I should check it out later. What time is it? 7:30 am man looks like I woke up a bit early today than usual. I should get ready.

*After getting ready* 

I'm done, I should wake up Ouma. I got out of the bathroom to see Ouma awake already. He was blushing bright red. I should get breakfast ready for the both of us.

"S-saihara" Kokichi said

"Yea Ouma?" I replied

"Why am I in your bed?" Kokichi said, embarrassed

"it's a long story, but you got hurt and you asked me. If you can sleep with me" I replied

"o-oh sorry" Kokichi blushed

"Its fine Ouma, I don't mind if you need to sleep with me. By the way, I should change the bandage's" I said

"ok" he said, going to the bathroom

I went downstair's and make some pancake. Kokichi came downstair's and he got some bandages in his hand. He sat down in the dining table.

"Shuichi, the pancake smells so good" Kokichi said

"Thanks, just give me a minute its almost finish" I replied

"Ok" Kokichi respond

After finishing the last pancake. I brought out two plates and added the pancake. I also brought the syurp on the table. I placed it to Kokichi's and he smiled slightly.

"there you go, now lets change your bandage's alright" I said

"Alright" Kokichi replied

I change his bandage on his arm and legs. I took the bloody bandages in the garbage. I smiled seing, Ouma eating the pancakes.

I went and put the lunch bag in Kokichi's backpack and some water. I closed it up as I put my lunch bag on the table and check my phone to see the video. That Maki send.

Rantaro was angry of his father and Kokichi was trying his best to settle him down. Kokichi instead got harm. I should show my uncle right away.


Hey Uncle, do you know Rantaro Amami. The son of Mr. Amami?

Yes I know him, but what about him?

Kokichi was hurt very badly by Rantaro, and he cutted his skin very bad.

How bad like that, that bad?

It's very bad to his arm to his legs and I got video proof to show the police. You should see it yourself and Ouma is with me, right now.

*sends the video*

ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔵-𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (Saiouma) *Re-written*Where stories live. Discover now