ABD and Ro on the same team?

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Ro was sitting in his hotel room scrolling social media after watching the RCB match. While he was aimlessly scrolling he came across a picture that caught his attention. 


While Ro sat in his room fuming in anger his phone started ringing and the crazy part is that he is getting a call from someone who he least expected a call from. 

Caller: Hey Rohit, I need to tell you something

Ro: What's up! 

Caller: Have you been on social media recently?

Ro: yes I have, I think I know what you might be talking about here

Caller: I knew you would've seen the post and you are the only one who would understand my feeling right now.

Ro: I know AB, why are our besties like this 

ABD: I know right Ro, Faf never lets me hug him like that in public but he let Virat hug him 😤

Ro: Exactly!!! Vi would always hug you Faf and other players but when it comes to me his best friend he won't even try hugging me on the ground 😒

ABD: You know what we need to get on a zoom call with the two and confront them.

Ro: You know what I have a better idea, how about we don't answer their calls or reply to their texts for a whole day?

ABD: Oo this sounds even better! let's do this and then we can see what well do next.

Ro: Sounds like a plan. Btw AB I never thought we'd be on the same team 

ABD: Honestly Rohit same here but I'm glad we are working together this time. After all, it's a matter of our best friends.

Ro: True! Alright AB Sammy is calling me ill keep you updated.

ABD: Alright Rohit ill talk to you later

After they hang up Ro puts his phone down and heads over to where Sammy was. He plays with her for a while until she falls asleep. After Sammy fell asleep he checks his phone and sees 15 missed calls, and at least 30 texts from Vi, on the other hand, ABD's phone also had a similar story to tell.

ABD and Ro's texts

Ro: AB virat is really annoying me right now, he literally call me 15 times and left like 30 messages


Ro: Do you think they are sitting together right now while they are trying to contact us?

ABD: they could be you never know. Let's do one thing let's make a group chat and name it Traitors well both send one message on there saying "I'm mad at you" and see how it goes.

Ro: Hmmm, I like that idea. I'll make the group chat

Virat's POV

Rohit added you, Faf, and ABD to a group

ABD renamed the group Traitors

Vi: Umm what's this all about?

Ro: I'm mad at you Vi

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