Ro and Rahul Bhai (and a little bit of ICT)

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INDvENG match has just gotten over and Team India had suffered a very crucial game. While the last few balls were being bowled Ro's heart was sinking. 

Shami bowled to Buttler and he hit a 6, that's it the match was over. Ro felt a flurry of emotions and he didn't want to show them on the field. 

He quickly shook hands with the England team and went off the field. 

Rahul Bhai had been observing Ro ever since the game got over, he knew that his kiddo has taken this loss hard. He wanted to run to Ro and hug him but his kiddo was on the field and was rushing out. 

Ro went to the dugout and sat down with his head in his hands and tears made their way into his eyes.

Rahul Bhai was on the boundary line and saw this he knew he needed to go talk to his kiddo. He made his way to him and gave him a pat on the back. 

Ro looked up at Rahul Bhai

Ro: I lost Bhai, my captaincy and form cost us heavily. I let you down.

Rahul Bhai: No baacha you did good today was not our day, yes we do have some things to work on but we as a team lacked don't be so harsh on yourself.

Ro: No bhai if I had stayed on strike with Vi and scored some more runs we could have had a better chance.

Rahul Bhai: Baacha I know it's not easy but you did what you could.

Ro: Chodo Bhai well talk later I have to for post-match

Ro wiped the tear that escaped his eye and went to the post-match. He held his composure throughout the press conference but his big brother saw through him and when the media asked for a press conference from the management Rahul Bhai signed himself up. He didn't want his kiddos to be questioned by the media especially when they lost the semi.

Ro finished his post-match interview and went directly to the dressing room, they waited on the rest of the team to come back and headed to the team hotel. 

The spirits were low and no one wanted to talk, Rahul Bhai wanted to talk to them but he knew that the boys needed time. He decided they would get to the hotel and freshen up and then meet in the team room. 

As soon as they got off the bus Sammy came running to Ro and huge him. 

Sammy: It's ok dada, you and chachu's will come back stronger.

That was Ro's breaking point he hugged Sammy back.

Ro: thank you baba, can you do me a favor? 

Sammy nodded

Ro: Can you go with Mumma to the team room? dada needs some time alone.

Ritika: But Ro...

Ro: Ritzy I need to be alone for a few minutes.

Ritika knew it was no use to argue so she took Sammy and went but on her way she texted Rahul Bhai.

Ro went to his room and sat on his bed and turned on his phone. The minute it turned on lots of mentions poured in. Some were supporting Team India and Ro and others were trolling. This made him even more dejected and tears made their way. 

Rahul Bhai saw Ritika's text and knew he had to go talk to Ro before he could talk to the team. Rahul Bhai reached Ro's room and knocked but got no response. He knew his kiddo wouldn't open the door so he texted Ritika to let him in. Ritika came and let Rahul Bhai in. 

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