Family's support

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CSK has just won their first match and the newly appointed captain couldn't be any happier. After the last over was bowled Jaddu ran to his Mahi Bhai and just hugged him tightly.

Mahi Bhai: You did it, Sir Jadeja, we got our first win of the season! 

Jaddu: No Bhai WE did it, had you not been here guiding me when I was stuck I would have never led the side to a win.

Mahi Bhai: I'm proud of you Jaddu!

Jaddu: Thank you so much Bhai, all this wouldn't have been possible without the support from you and Riva. I love you guys

Mahi Bhai: I love you too Jaddu! Now go they need to interview the winning captain

Jaddu: I may the captain officially but you will always remain our captain Bhai.

Mahi Bhai: Chal jadli jaa ab I'll see you back at the celebrations.

Jaddu goes for the interview. (I am not going to put in the whole interview but I will put in the part relevant to this story) Murali Kartik asks him how his first victory feels and Jaddu replies by saying that he dedicates his first victory to his wife, as it is special and it's his first-ever victory as a captain. He continues answering questions and then heads to the dressing room where the team is celebrating, after they finish celebrating the first victory the team heads to the hotel.

Jaddu gets to his room and as soon as he enters he sees Riva smiling brightly at him, Jaddu just ran to her and took her in a big hug.

Jaddu: Riva we did it, I won a match as captain.

Riva: yes you did Jaddu, you did it.

Jaddu: Not just me, the team did it I just helped by making the right decisions. 

Riva: Yes you guys did it, I told you yall will bounce back stronger

Jaddu: Riva thank you so much for believing me when I myself couldn't believe in myself. If you and Mahi Bhai has not kept me motivated and in a positive mindset, I don't think I could have performed leave alone leading the side to a victory.

Riva: Jaddu you are an amazing player and more than that you are an amazing man, who looks out for everyone. This is the least I can do for the man who never stops believing in his players and is always there for his loved ones.

Jaddu: I love you, Riva, this win is not just mine is equally yours too.

Riva: Btw that reminds me, what did you say in the post-match interview?

Jaddu: What did I say?🤷🏻

Riva: You dedicated the win to me 

Jaddu: Ya I did, and it's only fair that I said that na

Riva: But Jaddu, what was the need. 

Jaddu: There was a need, I wanted to do this for you. Your relentless support not only for me but also for the team. You come to the team room with all the other ladies in the evening with planned fun activities to keep our spirits high, you make sure that all of our food is according to our diets, and many more things. 

Riva: How do you know about the plans I made with the ladies to keep yall busy?

Jaddu: Just like you know me, I know you very well too. Do you really think that I wouldn't figure out that you had called all the ladies at night after we slept to plan the next day's fun activity, and you guys also coordinated with the chefs to make our meals didn't yall?

Riva: (shyly) Yah we may have done that.

Jaddu: thank you, Riva, not just for all you do, but also for coming into my life and making it beautiful.

Riva just hugs Jaddu, in the meantime, a sleeping Nidhyana decided to wake up.

Nidhyana: Mumma is papa back?

Jaddu: Yes baby, papa is back.

Jaddu goes to his little princess and picks her up. She rests her head on Jaddu's chest and innocently asks him.

Nidhyana: Papa did you win?

Jaddu: Yes baby Papa won today.

Nidhyana: yayyy! I knew my papa would win today. Cong... Cong... Mumma help na

Riva: Are you trying to say Congrats 

Nidhyana: yes yes. Congrats papa

Jaddu: Thank you, my baby.

Nidhyana: Papa I know you're tired but can we go get ice cream?

Riva: Nidhu baacha papa is tired na well go tomorrow.

Jaddu: No Riva, it's ok well go quickly and come back soon.

The Jadejas head down to get some ice cream and spend some quality time together.

That's all for now. 

This is just a random idea that I got after watching the CSKvsRCB post-match presentation. I m not sure if this turned out to be good, plz let me know how it was and plz do vote for the story. Looking forward to reading your comments.

Until next time 👋🏼

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