My kiddos are fighters!

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The match between India and Pakistan had just gotten over, it was the first match of the t20 world cup tournament. The Indian squad was visibly gloomy. They boys knew that it was not one of their best performances and the Pakistani squad played very well. As they walked back into the dressing room there was an unusual silence that took over. Everyone packed their kit bag and headed to the team bus.

Mahi Bhai who was the mentor for the tournament, saw his kiddos upset and couldn't bear it. He asked Ravi Bhai to arrange something for the boys in the team room. Ravi Bhai announced the same to the boys.

Everyone gathered in the team room

Mahi Bhai: Kiddos I know we just lost this match but let's not forget that you guys played well we fought till the end. 

Rohit: Bhai I got out for a duck that too at such a high stakes match, it was our first match in the tournament and we lost two valuable points which would have helped us make a great start.

Virat: Bhai I also could captained the side better, I could have been more strategic.

Shami: I also could have bowled better and not given out so many runs.

Slowly all the kiddos started pointing out their faults and Mahi Bhai knew that he could not let his kiddos go into the next match with this mindset.

Mahi Bhai: I hear you guys, but trust me when I say this as a fan of the ICT and a viewer, I saw the fight you guys put up. Not a single one of you gave up, Cheeku you made sure to keep adjusting you strategy as needed and all of you guys adjusted to the situation. The Pakistani team had a better performance today. But I trust you guys to come back in the next match stronger and dominate the field. We will work hard to pull ourselves together we still have the rest of the tournament to prove ourselves.

Ravi Bhai: Chin up boys, we will not let this loss overpower us, we are a great side and we will show the the world how strong the Indian Cricket Team really is. 

The boys felt better after hearing their Bhais. A new spark ignited in every single one of them.

Virat: Boys we will do this! We will not let the first match decide the fate of out series, we will fight and we will come back.

Everyone: yes Vi/Bhaiya we will come back!

Everyone could feel mood in the team room change to a more positive one. They sat in the team room with a new found determination. The ICT spent some valuable time with each other, making each other laugh and smile.

From a corner Mahi Bhai watched his younger brothers being supportive of each other and he couldn't stop the big smile that appeared on his face.


I know this update is very short but I thought of this idea randomly but was very unsure if I should post this or not. I wanted to write something on Mahi Bhai and how he is trying to lift the teams spirtis. Do let me know how this was in the comments.

I have one request form all the readers, please hit the vote button and comment on the updates. I see the story gets a decent amount views but I  get minimal feedback, I  try to write on new ideas  and I would really appreciate feedback. I am also open to constructive criticism. I hope you guys will take a moment to vote and comment on the updates, looking forward to them :)

That's it for today! 

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