Vi Ka Birthday haiiiii (part 3)

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One by one everyone comes down for dinner and settles down. Vi comes down and takes his seat as usual by Ro with Sammy in his lap.

Sammy: Vi chachuuuuu 

Vi: Hi Sammio

Sammy: Chachu I'm hungry 

Vi: Accha what will Sammy eat?

Sammy: I want umm umm MAC AND CHEESE

Vi: Ok let's get you Mac and Cheese

Ro: Isne ek baar manga aur tu maan gaya jab Maine ek bite mangi thi kal you didn't even let me smell it.

Vi: She small na, my princess can have it you my Panda have to follow your diet

Ro sulks a bit while Vi feeds Sammy mac and cheese while he eats grilled fish and some veggies. 

Right when dinner was about to be over Harry and Rahul picked a fight over who Vi loves more.

Harry: Virat loves me the most

Rahul: No he loves me more.

Harry: No me

Rahul: I'm his first kiddo 

Harry: But he loves me more 

They continue back and forth for a while and when finally Vi says something.

Vi: harry, Rah you know I love you both equally yes Rahuliya is my first kiddo but that doesn't mean I love you any less.

Harry: Really awww Vi bhai I love you

Finally, the fight died down they sat around the dining room chatting and doing Masti, after a few minutes Vi was about to head to his room when Arsh followed him and stopped him.

Arsh: Vi Bhai

Vi: Haan Arsh

Arsh: Vi bhai can we go for ice cream? Just the two of us

Vi: Ya sure let's go

They head to the ice cream parlor and get ice cream and chat for a while. They were about to leave but it was only 11:15 and Arsh knew he had to keep Vi busy till 11:30 at least. 

Arsh: Vi bhai why don't we get ice cream for everyone

Vi: Good idea chal let's order.

They placed the order and waited for it to be ready which took around 10 minutes since it was a different flavor for each of their choices. 

As they were headed out they were met with fans who took up about another 5-10 minutes. When they finally reached the hotel it was 11:45. 

When they were leaving Arsh texted everyone to meet in the dining room since they got ice cream for everyone.

Vi and Arsh got to the dining room and handed everyone their icecreams and everyone headed to their rooms. 

As Vi was on his way to his room Bhuvi and Ash drag him with them and take him on a walk around the hotel then finally ask to wait outside the team room while they ran to "the restroom" at the same time KL sends Athiya there and Rahul Bhai sends Paddy.

Athiya: Vi Bhai aap yaha?

Vi: tia tu yaha?

Paddy: Hey guys what are yall doing here?

Athiya: Rah asked me to meet the ladies here

Vi: Bhuvi and Ash asked me to wait here 

Paddy: And Rahul asked me to meet him here

Vi: Guys something is definitely up 

Athiya: I think we should just go back to our rooms

Paddy: Nah Athiya they asked us to meet here so wouldn't that mean that they indirectly told us to go in?

Athiya: You have a point so let's go in?

Vi: I guess

The trio walks into the team room and it's pitch dark. They walk a few more steps and suddenly the lights turn on a balloon is popped over their head and the whole ICT and the family wished them HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Vi/Athiya/Paddy: thank you so much guys


Mahi,Yuvi, Sach Pa, Dada: SURPRISE!!!

Vi: This is the best birthday ever, thank you guys for this wonderful surprise.

KL goes to Athiya hugs her and wishes her a Happy Birthday.

Everyone wishes Paddy as well, but now it's time for everyone to wish Vi.

For Vi's birthday wish everyone decided to send in a favorite photo of theirs with Vi and compile them into a video. The video played and Vi got really emotional he hugged all his brothers, and sisters, Sammy, Nush, and Vamu. 

Rahul Bhai: Chalo chalo cake cutting time.

Everyone gathers around the table with Vi, Athiya, and Paddy behind the table. They cut the cake and fed everyone a piece, but no cake cutting can be over without a little bit of cake holi. So all juniors took it upon themselves to put cake on their dear Vi Bhai's face, while KL put cake on Athiya's face and Rahul Bhai on Paddy's and everyone else followed. 

The cake cutting/ holi finally ended and Harry put on music, everyone danced and had fun till 2 o'clock when Rahul Bhai finally pushed everyone out of the team room and into their rooms for the night. 

Vi went to his room with a big smile on his face and thanked his starts for giving him his lovely wife and a beautiful family like the ICT.


That's all for today

I hope you guys enjoyed reading, please vote and comment I would love to get some feedback. Looking forward to reading comments.

Until Next Time 👋🏼

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