Have I lost my touch?

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It was another match for RCB where Virat had gotten out even before he could start his innings. He put a smile on his face, as he was walking out of the field, but his close ones knew that his heart was bleeding. 

He got off the field smiled at his teammates and told them

Vi:  Guys, I may have gotten out but I trust you all to carry us through. 

Saying this he walked back into the dressing room and sat down on the bench with his mind clouded with a lot of thoughts and his head in his hands. 

Vi (thoughts): What has happened to me? I put in so much effort, I am giving it my all but I am failing I am a failure, in most games, I can't even score more than a 20. Have I lost my touch?

While Vi was sitting inside all by himself his team was firing shots and took their team to a win. It was bittersweet for him, he was happy that his team won but was sad that he was not able to contribute to his team. He forced a smile on his face and went down to shake hands with the other team. After most people left and when the camera's stopped rolling, Vi decided to run the thoughts off. 

He started running laps around the ground and didn't stop even when his legs gave up. 

Siraj was observing all this and couldn't see his bhaiya like that so he called the only person he knew could get through to Vi. 

Siraj: Bhai kya aap Vi bhai see baat kar sakhte ho?

Mahi Bhai: Kya hua baache? Sab theek to hai na?

Siraj: Pata nahi Bhai, bhaiya kab se laps bhag rahe hai and I can see e is tired but he isn't stopping. Im scared Bhai

Mahi Bhai: Don't worry baacha im here only, mai aata hu thodi dair me. Mera ek kaam kar mai jab waha poch jao na to tu sab ko like apne team hotel chale jana mai baad me Cheeku ko drop kar dunga

Mahi Bhai knew that Vi wouldn't share what's really going on within him if there were people around. 

Siraj: Ok bhai.

Luckily Mahi Bhai was in the same city since they had their next match at the same stadium, he reached there in 20 minutes and Siraj did exactly as Mahi Bhai told him. 

Mahi Bhai went to where Cheeku was running and waited patiently for him to notice him, a couple laps passed by but Vi was too lost, finally not being able to see Vi run anymore Mahi Bhai said

Mahi Bhai: Cheeku baache ruk jaa aur kitna bhagega?

Vi hears the voice that he could recognize even in deep sleep and runs towards his Bhai. He leaps into Mahi Bhai's arms and starts weeping. Mahi Bhai just lets him get all his emotions out and he caresses his hair. 

After a solid 30 mins of crying Vi looks up at Mahi Bhai, and says

Vi: Bhai am I finished?

Mahi Bhai wipes his tear stricken face

Mahi Bhai: No baacha my Cheeku is not done yet, in fact, he is just starting.

Hearing this Vi just hugs Mahi Bhai more and a fresh stream of tears makes way through his eyes. 

Mahi Bhai: Cheeku, talk to me baacha kya chal raha hai there andar kya chal raha hai?

Vi: Pata nahi Bhai, there is a storm of thoughts in my head. I don't know what to do or think. I feel like I'm failing everyone, my family, my team, my fans everyone Bhai. I am doing so bad, this IPL I haven't even scored enough, I only got one 50. I put in so much training and time at practice but it's not translating. Ab to lagne laga hai ki vo "experts" sahi kehte hai ki Virat Kohli should take a break. I don't know what to do anymore Bhai, I'm scared Bhai what if I don't make the World Cup squad? It's been mine, Ro's, and your dream to win a World Cup, what if I'm not good enough to fulfill it?

(A/N I know that Virat sir will definitely be in the squad and there is no doubt about that, but I have seen some tweets on Twitter that say that they shouldn't include him and other senior players, I strongly disagree with the tweets, and think that all of them deserve to be in the squad. Because the plot demands a little self-doubt and the effect of trolls I have added this. So no hate for this please)

Hearing all this broke Mahi's heart, he couldn't believe that his strong kiddo had started doubting himself and was letting what "experts" and "trolls" said get to him. 

Mahi Bhai lay Vi's head in his lap and started running his hand through his hair.

Mahi Bhai: You know there once was this kid who was scared of me, he would not even approach me when he needed something but after some time he became my little brother, my kiddo. He would come to me for everything, including when his best friend was annoying him. Do you know what was amazing about that kiddo? 

Although Vi was going through turmoil, Vi was really invested in this story, partly because he loved when Mahi Bhai told stories and mainly because he hated sharing his Bhai with anyone other than Ro.

Vi: (in an uninterested tone) What Bhai?

Mahi Bhai (chuckled): His best part was that he never gave up. No matter how hard things got he always gave his 200%. You know Cheeku that's what I love about you. 

Vi looks at Mahi Bhai a bit confused.

Mahi Bhai: Yes I'm talking about you. You know you have done so much not only for your team but for cricket as a whole. You brought back viewers to Test Cricket you lead the ICT so well that we have seen a lot of success. You can never let anyone down Cheeku, this is a rough patch that every player has to face at some point in their career. Even the greats of cricket have gone through this. You have to believe in yourself like we do Cheeku, I know you are putting in the work and I also know that if you keep at it you will get success too. And as far as the World Cup squad goes, baacha you are undoubtedly in the squad you are an excellent batsman and one of the best fielders, more than that you are a valuable asset to Indian cricket, with all these years of experience and your brilliant skill set not only will you add to your achievements but you also make the team more strong. You are an inspiration to so many young players, they will see their hero on-field smashing sixes and fours all over the field in no time. You deserve nothing but the best baacha, your fans love you and will continue loving you, we love you and we will continue loving you. 

Vi: But bhai everyone says I should take a break, I think...

Mahi Bhai: Since when did what they say start mattering Cheeku? Look they can talk about what you should and should not do all day long, but they can never be in your shoes at those moments and feel what you feel. You are the one who has to play the game, not them, and do what you think is in your best interest. You tell me what do you think you need a break or more playing time?

Vi: Playing time bhai so I can work more on my batting in a match condition.

Mahi Bhai: See you know what you need to do, block the noise and do what you love and need.

Vi just snuggles closer to Mahi and they sit there in complete silence letting the words sink in. After a few moments, Vi looks up.

Vi: Bhai, you are the best brother anyone could ask for, I don't know what i would've done tonight has you not come here. 

Mahi Bhai (pulling Vi's cheeks): You too are the best kiddo I could have asked for my Cheeky Cheeku.

Vi: Bhaiiiiiiiii

Mahi Bhai just chuckles and holds Vi close to him

Vi: Bhai I love you, thank you for always understanding and knocking sense into me

Mahi Bhai: I love you too Cheeku.

They just sit on the field for some more time just talking and reminiscing the good times and they also called Ro just to tease him. Mahi was relieved that his Cheeku was ok now getting back to himself and had a beautiful and genuine smile on his face.


That's it for today! 

This concept was suggested by @muktiikyyy. I hope I did justice to this OS. 

Please let me know in the comments how this was, and please vote. Looking forward to reading all the comments.

As always thank you so much for all the support and please continue supporting. Until next time 👋🏼

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