Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing so give me a break if it's horrible 😭
Just know that this is a more modern interpretation of Fairy Tail so the guilds and all still exists but it's more set in 2022 ykk

The guild hall was busy and noisy as usual. It was just becoming night and there was a few people gathered at the board, others drinking and taking shots and of course in the corner we had Gray and Natsu bickering like little children.

"YOU WANNA GO ICE PRINCESS" Natsu roared at gray bashing his head agaisnt his.

"YEAH LETS GO RIGHT NOW FLAME BRAIN" Gray yelled back going in for a punch but Natsu made a swift move to the right and kicked Gray in the gut.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH I GOT YOU" Natsu cackled pointing his finger at Gray.

"YOU LITTLE-" Gray went in for an ice attack on Natsu but was interupted by a scarlet swords woman who towered over the two and pointed a sword at each of the now terrified wizards.

"Now what exactly do you two think you are doing?" Erza asked in a very stern voice her eyes going a deep evil shade of brown.

"NOTHING ERZA" Gray and Natsu cried out simultaneously quickly putting their arms around each other's shoulders to indicate them being "the bestest of friends"

"Good boys" Erza smilied but kept the stern voice "now I have a date with my Jellal so I will be going now" and with that she left the guild hall for the night. 

"Will they ever learn" Lucy laughed turning to Juvia who laughed aswell.

"No I don't think they will" Juvia replied with her bright beautiful smile which Gray noticed immediately and stared straight at her.

Juvia turned seeing him and waved her hand before walking away and also leaving the guild hall to go back home much to Grays disappointment. He wanted her to stay there longer so that he could look at her for a little bit more...look at her gorgoues blue hair and stare into her ocean blue eyes. She had stopped her obbessive craze for him and he never knew why. But now all that was on his mind was her. Juvia. She was so beautiful. The most beautiful girl he had ever known or seen.

"Why cant she show her love for me anymore?" Gray questioned to himself. "Does she even still love me? God dammit! I should have admitted my feelings aswell when she admitted then Godsake I'm such an idiot how could I let someone like Juvia it's not to late is it...I can still catch up to her YES" and with that Gray ran right out the guild hall at full speed trying to catch up to the water mage.

He ran out the streets of magnolia not exactly knowing where he was going, he just had a sense, his legs were taking him right to Juvia that's all he knew he didn't know how and didn't care to know all that was needed is to find Juvia.

And he saw her.

She was walking down the street with her head down humming some song that he didn't know but that wasn't important.

"JUVIA" he yelled grabbing her wrist and turning her around.

"Gray??" She said softly almost in a whisper looking down at her wrist which was being held gently by Gray and lifted up to around their chests.

"Juvia I" he spoke not actually knowing what to say but noticed that there was a silent alley way right beside them and he pulled her in there startling the confused bluenette. 

"Sorry I just needed a bit more quiet cuz I have something important to say and I just uhm" Gray fumbled with his words still holding Juvias wrist. You can tell he isn't very good with this kind of stuff.

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