Chapter 12

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Juvia hummed in her sleep. She was still in the hospital bed as she fell asleep again half an hour after the couple stated their love for each other.

Gray was also asleep. Right beside her in the hospital bed with his hands wrapped around her waist, he had his chest pressed to her back.

Juvia didn't know Gray was beside her as he joined her during her deep sleep, but she enjoyed his warmth as she soothed herself in his arms through her dreams.Gray was also sleeping quite peacefully. Soaring off into dreams of his own. But of course that peace didn't last long.

A loud scream sounding a lot like Juvia woke him up in an instant. But before he could react to the scene he found himself getting shoved onto the floor and he looked up to see Juvia with two tears on her face as she panted heavily with widened eyes.

"Gray!" She yelped. She jumped off the bed to help him up and began to panic trying to make words come out of her mouth "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry, I thought, I t-thought you were.."

"It's okay" Gray smiled at her and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "Dont worry about it I can sleep on the chair if you like"

Juvia held his hand that cupped her face and smiled back at him. "No, I rather you stay with me, I just got a bit startled you know, but I would feel safer if you stayed beside me"

She flashed him a beautiful smile melting Grays heart as he picked her up and laid her on the bed. "Go back to sleep I will go check if anyone else is still here, then I will be right back" he kissed her hand as she nodded and he walked off.

Gray took out his phone while walking upstairs to the Guild hall.


"We must have slept for a good while, I doubt anyone is here" Gray muttered to himself as he made it to the entrance of the hall to see a sleeping Dragon slayer on the table with a drowsy Lucy on top of him both with drinks in their hands.

'"spoke to soon" Gray chuckled making his way over to the couple.

"Gray?" Lucy mumbled her eyelids slightly opening.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Gray aplogised.

"Huh oh no bother we were waiting to see if Juvia was okay but I guess we fell asleep" she explained getting off of Natsu. "What are you still doing here?"

"Same as you, I wasn't going to leave her by herself here" Gray said making Lucy smile.

"You really love her don't you" She smirked as Gray just laughed.


They both giggled knocking out the silence for a while before Lucy pointed out Erza sleeping on another table.

"Jellal left a while ago but Erza stayed" She told him.

"You guys should have at least taken some blankets and pillows from the free hospital beds downstairs" Gray said.

"That's a good idea actually" Lucy thought aloud. "You go back to Juvia I will go get some pillows and all for these two"

"You sure you don't want any help??" Gray asked.

"Nono stay with Juvia she probably isn't comfortable by herself" Lucy said letting out a yawn.



Gray toppled down back to the medical rooms but grew wary when he started hearing whimpers. Small crys and a lot of moving.

"Shit Juvia" he immediately realised running into the room.

She was shivering in her blanket shaking and trembling, clutching a tight grip onto the blanket for support.

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