Chapter 17

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Tw: violence, mention of rape, gore.

Gray ran down the corridor, Juvia hanging on his back as she tried her best to ignore the pain shooting through her legs.

"Are you sure your okay?" Gray panted running faster trying to find Wendy before it was to late.

"Yeah, don't worry about me we should worry about Wendy" Juvia croaked. It was pretty evident that she had been crying again.

"You are allowed to be scared or sad Juvia. It's happened twice now. You can't be okay" Gray told her.

Juvia didn't answer. Silent tears slipped down her face as her legs shot more pain up to her hips.

Gray let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, I broke my promise"

"It's not your fault so please don't blame yourself" Juvia said trying to hide her tears.

This time Gray stayed silent. He didn't know how to answer her. No matter how many people tried to convince him it wasn't his fault he was always going to feel guilt.

Guilt for not protecting her.

"Let's say we go somewhere fun when this is over.....somewhere nice, maybe a little holiday for a week, just the two of us" Juvia smiled.

"Yeah..that would be nice"

"STOP" Juvia yelled running Gray out of daydream land.

Gray stopped to look up and see a figure. The famous Issac figure. Shit.

Grays magic power was still coming back but he wasn't fully ready and there was no way Juvia could fight. Even when Gray was fully powered.....Issac overpowered him with no effort.

"ISSAC!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO WENDY" Gray yelled clutching onto Juvia.

"My favourite torture props" Issac giggled a bit before walking up to the two.

"Get the fuck away you monster" Gray hissed stepping back.

He could feel Juvia hold onto him tighter. Probably in fear.

"I like that term" Issac smiled. "Monster, i am quite evil aren't I"

"Your sick" Gray snapped at him. "Now what did you do to Wendy"

"The same as Juvia...she is back in her cell now. Along with your other friends who were also looking for her. You didn't really think you could escape from me now did you? I think I want to play with you two for a bit" Issac stated evily.

"No" Juvia clasped her hand to her mouth. The realization of what he did the Wendy struck her.

"Now....let's go somewhere else. This place isn't to my liking" Issac flashed an innocent smile and with a click of his fingers they were all in a large room. A large plain room with noting in it but four walls and the floor. Not even a door.

Juvia began to shake. This is where it happened. This is where she was raped. Again.

Gray instantly held Juvias hand trying to find Issac who was standing in the middle of the room.

"Let's have a little bit of fun" Issac purred.

Before either Juvia or Gray could react Issac wrapped his vines around both of them, sending Gray across the room from Juvia with his hands bound while Juvia stayed where she was. Her hands were tied behind her back.

"This time I won't cover your mouth so I can hear your screams" Issac smirked at Juvia. She replied with a scowl.

"Do what you want I don't care" She hissed at him.

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