Chapter 15

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Mention of Rape

Just as fast as it left it started to come back. Juvia had just started to forget. And it all came back.

She couldn't move. Her whole body stuck to the ground as she listened to the loud clash of her suitcase crashing to the ground and the small chuckle Lyon let out.

"My dear Juvia, you seem a bit startled" Lyon said in the most polite voice he could manage. He can making his way to Juvia making her go back to her senses.

"Stay back!" She stuttered. Waving her hands in front of her signaling for him to stay away but of course he ignored that.

"I have wanted to talk to you for days now! It's a pity I should be allowed to talk to what's mine" Lyon purred, now in front of Juvia directly.

"I'm not yours" Juvia just about said, her trembling seemed to have calm down.

"Dont be bold, we all know you are mine." Lyon smirked cupping her cheek with one hand.

She instantly swatted it away trying to take a step back so she could leave but he grabbed her wrist.

"Just piss off!" Juvia yelled.

Lyon pulled her close, their stomach and chest now agaisnt each other and his hands clinging onto her wrists.

"My Juvia" he sang.

"Let go" Juvia sternly said trying not to show how terrified she was.

"I think I want to play with my little toy now" He whispered into her ear making her shiver.

No, she can't let him rape her again.

"Now Ju-"


Lyon, caught off hard by this attack flung agaisnt a wall, now drenched in water head to toe as Juvia grabbed her suit case and ran for the hills.

She didn't even turn back, she ran to where she new she would be safe.

The guild hall.

She could hear Lyon cursing her name but could tell he didn't decide to follow her as his voice drained out.

But she didn't stop running. Just the slight thought of what Lyon did scared her to death. And she was just started to forget about it. It started to all come back to her. She could feel herself hyperventilating. But she kept running. As fast as her legs would carry her.

She didn't to get to the guild hall. She needed to get to Gray.

By the time she got to the guild hall she felt certain that she was going to faint. She stumbled in looking like a wreck. Not many people were there as it was the evening but the main few were.

Erza, Natsu, Lucy and Gray were standing in a circle talking about some job they wanted to take but all turned their heads when they heard the doors open and a loud panting noise.

"Juvia?!" Lucy called noticing her first.

Gray flung his head over when he heard his girlfriends name get called.

"Juvia what are you doing here?" He asked with a smile.

She said nothing. She just made her way over to him toppling from one side to the other, she could feel her head running wild, her heart racing way to fast, her legs nearly ready to give out.

"Are you alright" Erza asked seeing Juvia slowly make her way.

Gray decided to meet her first walking up to her as she looked at him with red eyes.

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