Chapter 19

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Juvia coughed roughly. Everytime she did large amounts of blood poured out of her mouth. Jellal had worry planted on his face as he tried to think of something to do.

Lucy on the other hand began to feel tears down her cheeks as panic grew on her face.

Erza immediately ran over as for Natsu, he was limping over with Gray on his shoulder.

"She just randomly started breathing all heavily!" Lucy cried. "And all this blood began to come out of nowhere!!!!"

"Shit" Erza cursed getting on one knee beside Jellal and Juvia.

"Maybe we should give her more bandages" Jellal suggested.

"Yeah maybe we should put them on tighter" Erza panicked grabbing a wad of bandages and going for Juvias thigh.

"I didn't put as must bandages as Gray because her wounds weren't as bad as him but all of a sudden they got so much more worse! They aren't nearly as bad as how they were before I put them on!" Lucy squealed. She kneeled down beside Erza to examine Juvia further.

Juvias breathing grew heavier as she clung onto Jellal for support. She felt like she couldn't move or speak anymore. Her body was losing all feeling.

"What is wrong with her!" Natsu yelled standing over Erza and Lucy with Gray laying on his shoulder trying very hard to stay conscious.

"We underestimated how bad her cuts were" Jellal told him.

"We-e ne-ed a h-eal-er t-to help h-er" Gray said.


"Even if Wendy was here I doubt she would be able to do much with her condition..." Jellal sighed.

"Fu-ck" Gray said raspily.

"It hurts" Juvia whimpered clinging onto Jellal for dear life. "Everything hurts"

"SHE IS GOING TO DIE IF SHE KEEPS LOOSING ALL THIS BLOOD" Erza yelled in a panic grabbing as many bandages as possible and quickly tying them around Juvias waist where most of the blood seemed to be.

"What! S-she is g-g-going t-o di-e!" Gray panted. His voice seemed to be getting worse.

"Don't worry Gray she will be alright" Natsu tried to reassure him.

"Did her cuts just reopen or something!" Lucy asked hustling to grab more bandages for Erza.

Erza wrapped them around her tightly making Juvia find it hard to breathe.

"I can't b-breathe" Juvia wheezed.


Erza paused as she realized. "Sorry" she muttered. She loosened the bandages having the sitting up Juvia faint immediately frontwards onto Erzas chest.

"SHIT SHES OUT COLD" Jellal shouted pressing two fingers on her neck just incase.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" Lucy cursed over and over.

"W-wh-at h-happen-ed" The poor Ice mage asked not being able to see properly what exactly was happening to his girlfriend.

No one answered him. He was left with no answer and only the cries and panics could give him sense of the current situation.

"I-is Ju-via alright-t?" Gray asked.

"Yeah she's fine don't worry Gray" Natsu fake smiled at him.

"N-no, sh-e isn't, I c-an st-ill he-ar y-ou guys y-y-you k-now"

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