Chapter 13

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Juvia, Lucy and Erza had already left to their job leaving Gray, Natsu and Jellal to be by themselves.

The three of them decided to take a nice stroll down the park.

"Can believe Luce is leaving me for more then a day!" Natsu moaned.

"Goodness could you complain anymore FLAME FOR BRAINS" Gray shot back at him tired of his continuos whining.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME" Natsu yelled bashing heads with the ice mage.

"Woah woah calm your horses" Jellal giggled laying hands on the two wizards shoulders to pull them apart. "We can't blame Natsu for being upset, I miss Erza a lot and I'm sure you miss Juvia"

Gray had nearly forgotten that she had gone with them. He was worried sick of course. What if she started a panic attack again and he wasnt there to wrap his arms around her and hold her and keep her safe.

"Gray?" Jellal called.

"Huh" Gray said finding himself lost in thought. "Oh sorry what were you saying"

"He was saying he is sure you missed Juvia" Natsu said. "Listen more ice princess"

"Well of course I miss her" Gray sighed ignoring Natsu's comment.

"She will be fine with Luce" Natsu smiled at him. He knew that his frenemy had extra reasons to be concerned for his dear girlfriend.

"Yeah! And Erza will take care of her aswell don't worry she may be terrifying and a bit dense at times but she is really responsible you both should know that" Jellal assured him placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah" Gray smiled.

The three got lost in conversation for the next two hours until it had started to get late.

"I wonder what the girls are doing right now" Jellal asked staring at the crescent moon that was slowly beginning to appear.

"Probably chilling at their hotel" Gray answered.

"Luce is probably doing something hot" Natsu grinned.

"Keep your fantasies to yourself Natsu"Jellal laughed Gray following him in laughter.

"Gray?" Natsu asked quite suddenly in a somewhat serious voice.

All three of stopped their walking.

"Yea?" Gray responded waiting for the question.

"You haven't had sex in like over a week now!" Natsu exclaimed making Jellal give him a death glare telling him it was not the time to say something like that.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY NOT" Gray began to yell, Jellal immediately face palming knowing Natsu had no clue about the rude question.

"HOW DO YOU SURVIVE" Natsu began wandering in shock.


A silence filled the three of them. A deathly silence as Natsu now realised that it was an extremely stupid question to say to Gray.

"Sorry" He bluntly said and Gray just lowered his head.

"It's fine, l-lets just go home now it's getting late" Gray sighed turning around to leave.

Jellal and Natsu nodded and both made their ways to leave aswell.


It was 2:06am.

Gray couldn't sleep. He laid in the middle of the bed with his eyes wide opened as if expecting something to happen. Nothing did of course.

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