Chapter 14

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Smut Warning!!!!!!

Three days went by very slowly. But it was finally time for Gray, he would hopefully get to see Juvia again.

Which he did. She walked into the guild hall with a bright smile with the lovely Lucy and Erza following in behind her.

Her gaze ultimately went to Grays who was already gazing at her before he ran up to her and pulled her into a hug, lifting her up and spinning her around.

"Longest three days of my life" Gray panted as the run to her wore him out.

He pressed his lips agaisnt her sweetly ignoring the few oooooo's and ahhhhhh's he received.

"Well without me whatever will you do" Juvia smiled kissing him again.

Erza and Lucy had gone off to their own boyfriend's leaving Juvia and Gray alone in their little circle.

"Wanna get out of her" Gray smirked. "You call tell me all about the job and-"

"Yes now please let's go" Juvia cut him off grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the guildhall.

'She was seeming like her normal self again', Gray thought to himself. He was so happy to see her slowly recover. Must have been a good idea for her to go on the job.

"So how was ur job" Gray asked.

Juvia clinged right onto Grays arms as they walked down to Grays house. "It was good! We found the necklace after the second day, it wasn't too hard. But we stayed an extra day as we were all way to tired to get back home."

"You mean I could have had you yesterday but you made me wait longer" Gray groaned at her making her smile.

"Don't be such a baby" She laughed at him and he laughed back.

"For that you must pay"

He picked her up bridal smile making her yelp with shock as she wrapped her arms around him for dear life.

"GRAY?!?" She screamed clinging onto him as he began to walk faster.

"A princess like you doesn't deserve to walk" Gray laughed at her screaming as she held tighter onto him.

"Put me downnn people are watching!!" Juvia shreiked as he ran even faster.

"Who cares" Gray said.


After there little chaotic ride to Grays house they made it to his front door where he stopped to get a breather, Juvia still in his arms.

"Was that really nessesscary" Juvia groaned.

"Nope but I wanted to do it" Gray cheekily replied setting her down and opening the door. He politely let her in first before trailing behind her.

"I missed you" Juvia muttered.

"I missed you too"

Juvia explained the details of her job to Gray within 18 minutes as they both laid on Grays bed.

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