Chapter 16

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Gray slowly opened his eyes. He was in a cell. A dark cell where even he felt cold.

His head ached. His memory took a second to come back but when it did, he didn't want to remember it anymore.

He turned, which took a lot of effort as his head was throbbing intensely. Natsu was there.He was fast asleep.

"Natsu" he groaned trying to make his way over to him but toppled over onto the ground landing on his stomach.

All his magic power seemed to be drained. He didn't even bother try using it knowing it would be no use.

"Fuck, Natsu wake up.....please"

No sound came. Natsu was sound asleep and probably wouldn't wake up for another while. Gray cursed to himself before getting the strength to stand up again using the wall to help him.

"If Natsu is here, that must mean that Lucy, Erza and the others are probably here aswell" He muttered to himself. "Wait, JUVIA"

He grabbed onto the bars of the cell trying to see if there was any other cells where Juvia could have been. But she wasn't seen.

"JUVIA ARE YOU THERE" Gray yelled.

"Gray?" A familiar voice said.

Gray instantly knew it wasnt Juvia. It was Lucy.



Gray obeyed slamming his ear agaisnt the wall hearing a thud on the other side assuming it was Lucy.

"Gray! Thank God"

"Are you okay???"

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine just a little dozy, Erza and Jellal are here with me they are just asleep! Please tell me Natsu and Juvia are with you" she said worry filling her voice.

"Natsu is don't worry he is asleep.....but I can't find Juvia, I was hoping she was with you" Gray answered her.

Gray was wishing he could look at his friend but had to deal with using the thin wall to hear her shaky terrified voice. He tried to stay strong but he knew Juvia was in danger after hearing Issacs plan that night.

"Oh no.....Issac wanted Juvia didn't he" Lucy trembled.

"Yeah....Can you use your magic?" Gray asked.

"No, I feel drained of magic power and my keys are gone"

"God dammit" Gray cursed punching the wall making Lucy yelp. "Sorry"

"No it's okay you must be stressed"

"Lucy? Gray?" Another voice ringed.

There heads both flung straight ahead where a small bluenette was holding onto the bars in the Cell across from Lucy.

"WENDY" Lucy exclaimed moving up so that she could see her.

"What's going on?" Wendy asked looking at the both. "Why did that person want Juvia? Why are we here"

"I think Gray should answer that" Lucy said trying to see Gray as much as she could but as he was in the cell right beside her, she couldn't see much.


Gray quickly explained to the two girls as they listened in horror at Issacs plan of what he would do to Juvia.

"WE CANT LET HIM" Wendy shouted punching the cell bar making her wince in pain.

"Careful kid" Gray muttered.

"Wait is anyone else with you?" Lucy asked trying to see if anyone else was lying down beside her.

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