Chapter 6

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The four wizards sat behind a bush near 'Carcas Jewelers' waiting for the bandits to arrive. They all came up with conversation and in-between was a few arguments with Natsu and Gray but Lucy showed her darkside and invited her Lucy Kick to both of their faces any time they would argue. Great replacement for Erza.

It had been around three hours since they had left the old women's house and not a single bandit had been seen.

"This is so boring" Natsu groaned.

"I'm sure they will be here soon it's starting to get dark" Lucy assured him patting her annoyed boyfriend on the back.

"Better be right Luce" He murmmered back to her.

Gray rolled his eyes at Natsu. "You complain to much" he said and stared down at the sleeping bluenette on his lap. She fell asleep a while ago while Lucy and Natsu were bickering about some random topic that Gray or her didn't really care for.

He stroked her hair and looked back up noticing a few figures infront of the jewelers.

"GUYS" Gray whisper shouted catching everyone attention and Juvia slowly opened her eyes. "Someone's here!!"

Lucy and Natsu turned their heads and Juvia got up slowly doing the same as the other two.

"Great let's get em" Natsu said a bit to loudly standing up and ready for action.

"DUMBASS GET BACK DOWN" Lucy whisper shouted pulling the pink haired wizard back down and giving him an 'are you stupid' look.

"We should wait a little bit" Juvia whispered.

"Oh come on let's just beat em up now" Natsu complained.

"BE QUIETER PYRO" Gray whisper shouted at him.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME" Natsu whisper shouted back.

"STOP" Lucy muttered loud enough to make both boys jump not wanting anymore Lucy kicks.

They all stayed silent for another minute or two until Juvia decided to get up.

"Okay I think we should go now" She whispered.

"Okay" they all agreed and stood up aswell. They walked down to the entrance of the Jewelers and Natsu being Natsu decided to make a grand entrance and banged down the door.

"OKAY BANDITS YOU BETTER STOP STEALING FROM THIS PLACE BEFORE WE ALL BEAT YOU UP" Natsu shouted with his signature grin plastered to his face making the rest of his teammates face palm themselves.

"This actual idiot" Gray groaned.

Three figures looked up at them.

"Who do these guys think they are" One of the figures laughed looking at his friends. He had black hair and pale skin and he wore a fully black outfit like his friends.

"I don't know but they are dumb to try go up against us" another one said. He had pure red hair.

"Isn't there meant to be five of you" Lucy asked crossing her arms.

"Yeah we only needed three for this job" the third person smirked. He had dark green hair.

"I'm done talking FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST" Natsu boomed hitting the red haired and black haired guys right in the face as the green haired one doged.

The green haired one ran to the other three wizards and started making a stance. "EARTH DRAGON TALON" and attempted to hit Lucy but she swiftly jumped out of the way to Gray and Juvias side.

"Dragon slayer magic?" Juvia questioned getting ready to attack.

"Yup Isaacs the name" the green haired guy smirked before running up to her next.

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