Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning:Rape!

Panting, whimpers, screams filled the room.

Lyon immediately tore off Juvias bra. He wanted to get to her goods straight away. He ignored Juvias screams telling him to stop or her attempts to shove him aways with her small arms, all he could focus on was the delicacy in front of him. He was going to claim her as his. Wether she liked it or not.

"Lyon........please don't do this" she whispered tears forming in her eyes.


Bickering and shouting continued to fill the room as the guild members argued like little children over the last gummy bear.

It wasn't even about spin the bottle anymore, everyone was just calling each other names and shooting attacks as Sherry slipped her clothes on and shouted at her destroyed tables and counters while Ren tried his best to calm down his fiance. 

At this point everyone slowly got their clothes back on and went into full on argue mode while Lucy and Yukino backed away.

"I feel like we are the only sane ones here" Lucy sighed watching poor Sherry's house get destroyed.

"I know right" Yukino sighed with her.

"Should we stop them" Levy added as she managed to make her way out of the fight.

"Nah they seem to be having fun" Lucy grinned. "Hey Juvia did you ever read that story I told you to r-"

She has assumed that Juvia had backed away with the other three but paused realizing she was talking to thin air.

"Guys where's Juvia??"

Her eyes roamed around the room trying to find the bluenette but she was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she's in the bathroom?" Levy suggested.

"I'll go check" Yukino said running out to go find her.

"Hm yeah maybe she's in the bathroom" Lucy wandered aloud.

"Anyway-" Levy began.

"No shes not in the bathroom" Yukino said coming back within seconds. The bathroom was very close so she didn't have to go far and there was only two downstairs none upstairs.

Juvia and Lyon are upstairs btw

"That's weird" Levy said placing a finger on her chin.

"Guys where's Juvia" Lucy spoke out to the bickering group of wizards but was immediately ignored pissing Lucy off.

"GUYS" she shouted in a 'Erza' voice making everyone turn their heads towards her.

"Where is Juvia?"

That's when they all turned their heads looking around to see a head of blue hairs but none was seen.

"Is she in the bathroom?" Gray asked not getting entirely that worried.

"Checked already" Yukino replied.

That's when everyone fell silent.

"Wait...where's Lyon??" Eve broke the silence and a frown formed on Grays face.

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