[ 4 ] Kiss and Kisses

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The morning rose and Randhir opens his eyes first. He looked down at his chest where his life was breathing slowly and he caressed her hair. She tightens her around his waist and snuggled more in his arms. He chuckled and looked at the clock which strikes at 10.30 am and it was Saturday so he don't have office today. He slowly traced his finger on her cheek and irritation lines appeared on her forehead.

"Uhh.. uhhh... let me sleep, husband." She mumbled rubbing her nose against his chest.

"Wake up, sweetheart. It's already late." He said kissing her nose.

"I want to sleep more." She mumbled with a pout and he pulled her upon him.

"You'll wake up within a minute or I've my ways." He said in a stern voice but she didn't respond and he sighs in disbelief.

"This is my final warning, darling. You don't want me to throw you in the pool and trust me the water is so cold." He said rubbing his thumb on her cheek and she didn't move a bit.

"If I freeze then I'll fall sick. You won't let me fall sick." She mouthed lazily and he dropped down his warning because she was indeed right.

The next moment she was rolling on the bed laughing hard as he tickles her waist. She tried to hold his hands but he was stronger than her and kept tickling her till tears filled in her eyes. Happy tears.

"You're so bad." She said pouting as he sat on the bed with her in his lap.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said kissing her forehead.

"Good morning, handsome." She giggled kissing his cheeks and they stayed some more time in each other arms to feel the warmth.


Randhir was in the study room and doing office work. Sanyu was watching a movie while Fiona and Clifford were sleeping beside her. There was a romantic scene going on and the female protagonist kissed the male protagonist. Sanyu's mouth was wide open and popcorn stuck on her tongue. The sweet kiss turns into a wild one and blood rushed to her cheeks. She quickly turns off the TV and breathed heavily.

"What was that? How can she do that? Aahhh... but he is her husband. She can kiss him." She mumbled turning on the TV and saw them cuddling under the satin sheet.

She continued to watch the show while her cheeks were red all the time. After an hour she was pacing back and forth in her room. She couldn't able to erase that kiss from her mind. She dragged her legs to the study room and saw him going through a file. She went to him and climbed on his lap thus he got starlet a bit but then embrace her.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a worry and she nodded her head.

"Close your eyes." She said thus he narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" He asked confusingly.

"No, just close your eyes. I want to try something." She replied impatiently and he closed his eyes as per her order.

She cupped his face and placed her lips on his lips. His eyes went wide open at her innocent act but she was adamant to kiss him. She tried to kiss him the way she saw in the movie but she doesn't know how to kiss and pulled back with a frown.

"I can't kiss like her." She said sadly and he shook his head coming back from the shock.

"What?" He asked confusingly.

"She kissed her husband so perfectly. I also want to do that but I don't know how to kiss." She said feeling down and he cupped her face.

"Then let me teach you. My little innocent wife; you awake my desire." He mumbled against her lips and slowly captured them.

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