[ 2 ] Care and Intimacy

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Warning:- This story contains lots of erotic scenes.

Also, there will be a lot of abusive and bad words include.



Randhir reached his safe house and enters inside hurriedly. He was greeted by the maids and he gave a curt nod to them.

"Where is she?" He asked sternly.

"She is in your room. The doctor has treated her wound and the injury wasn't big. The bullet just touched her shoulder and it'll heal soon." A maid replied.

He dismissed them and went to his room. She was sleeping in the middle of the road and still in the same dress. There was a bandage on her shoulder. He rushed to the bathroom and took shower. He comes out and went into the closet and wore his shorts. He comes back to the bed and sits on the bed beside her. He slowly lifted her and undone her dress then removed the dress. He slides his shirt into her half-naked frame and lay her on the bed. His gaze fell on her breasts and a bullet mark above her left breast. He touched the mark and then button up the shirt. He lay beside her and wrapped his hand around her waist closing his eyes.


Sanyu opens her eyes and felt a strong grip on her waist then looked at the source. He was lying on his stomach and snoring slowly. She removed his hand and tried to sit on the bed but winched in pain. He woke up with a jolt hearing her voice and sits on the bed.

"Shittt... you're bleeding." He said touching her shoulder and she slapped his hand.

"Don't touch it." She snapped at him and he chuckled.

He got out of the bed and went into the closet.

"Open your shirt's button." He said coming to the bed with a medical kit.

"What? No, way. I'm not wearing a bra under the shirt and I can't let you see my precious boobies to you." She said over dramatically and he rolled his eyes.

"I've already seen and touched them when I changed you in my shirt. They're perfect in shape and I can't wait to taste those melons." He winked at her and she glared at him before opening the button of the shirt.

He took the shirt and threw it on the floor then sits beside her. He cleaned her wound and sticks a new bandage there.

"You know you look sexy." He said touching her right breast and she rolled her eyes.

"Ugly. Wearing a sexy outfit doesn't make me sexy. I have an ugly body with lots of bruises and marks. Many men fucked my pussy but they've always found my body ugly." She said with a deep sigh and he frowns.

He held her ankles and pulled her closer thus she straddles his thigh. She held his shoulder for support as he caged her by her waist.

"Those people are fucking bastards who find this sexy and beautiful body ugly. You know in our world these aren't only bruises and marks but also proud marks. You're strong enough to take bullets and protect yourself or your family. I could get any girl but I don't want some random girl. I want a Queen and you're perfect for me. We both are fearless and hot-headed. We both are the same. We will rule the world together." He said tracing his finger on her bruises and she smiled a bit.

"Wow... for the first time someone didn't find me ugly." She said kissing his lips and he kissed her back.

His one hand grabbed her nape and the other one rubbed her breast. He slides his tongue into her mouth and explored it. She moaned as he kissed her harder and faster. She tried to push her tongue into his mouth but he beat her and didn't give her a chance. Never ever had someone dominated her this way. She moaned in his mouth as he continued to taste her mouth. He tasted every corner of her mouth and sucked her tongue. His hand roamed on her chest and gives a light squeeze to her right breast. She pulled his hair and pushed her tongue in his mouth licking every corner of his mouth. They felt out of breath and drifted apart panting hard.

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