[ 7 ] The Fun Day

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The morning rose with the newly wedded couple entangled in each other arms. Randhir opens his eyes first and glanced down at his chest where his beautiful wife was snoring softly. He ran his hand on her spine and kept it on her ass. He started making circles on her ass and she groaned nuzzling her nose in his chest.

"Stoppp..." She said annoyingly and he chuckled at her cuteness.

"Wakey wakey, Bambolina." He said giving a tight squeeze to her ass and she opens her eyes with irritation written on her face.

"Why you don't let me sleep? You pounded on me the whole night and now you don't let me sleep." She said with a frown and he tugged her hair behind her ear.

"You didn't complain last night and I let you sleep seven hours. It's already noon, babe. Don't you want to go shopping?" He asked touching her cheek with the back of his knuckle.

"Of course, I want to go shopping. I don't have clothes and also want to buy new lingerie. Anyways Good Morning, husband." She said kissing his cheek and he rolled her on the bed and come over to her.

"Good Morning, Bambolina," He said capturing her lips and her hands got tangled in his hair.

He sucked her lips and she starts responding to him slowly. She opens her mouth as he squeezed her breast and he inserts his tongue in her mouth. He tasted every corner of her mouth making her moan. After savoring the moister of her lips he broke the kiss and they smiled at each other.

"Let's take bath together." He said taking her in his arms and walking into the bathroom.

They took a bath washed each other and not had sex because he knew she was already sore from the last night.


"Why does that gatekeeper greet you like you're his boss?" She asked as soon as they stepped into the mall.

"It is because he knows me." He replied with a shrug.

"How the hell he kno... wait wait... don't tell me you owe this mall? Hah... why I am not surprised?" She said throwing her hands in the air and he kissed her cheek.

"You got it, right. Come on," He said pulling her toward the clothes store.

They enter the store and are greeted by the cashier. A sales girl approached them and Sanyu narrowed her eyes at her.

"Trust me, if she flirts with you then I'm done. I'm going to empty bullets in her mouth." Sanyu mutters in his ear and he laughed.

"Only if you had. I've removed the bullets from your gun knowing your crazy obsession with me." He winked at her and she slapped his shoulder.

"Hello sir, Hello ma'am. How can I help you?" She asked politely.

"Show some good dresses to my wife." He said.

"Sure sir. Please follow me." She said to them and Sanyu stood up to go with her.

"Sir, you can also come with your wife." She said thus he too stood up and they both followed her.

She took them to a dressing room and there were so many dresses hanging around in the different places. She started showing them dresses and Sanyu buys some dresses of course with the help of Randhir.

"Ma'am, would you like to buy lingerie?" Cara; the sales girl asked.

"Yes, sure," Sanyu replied with a smile.

"Please come with me," Cara said.

"I'll just stay here. You go with her." Randhir said thus Sanyu held his arm.

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